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I am a local south yorkshire man who has just started shooting pest control again after a year break.

I would like very much to be allowed to shoot on your land in order to

solve any pest problems you have (corvids, rabbits,etc).

I can of course visit you should you like to meet me, at your convenience.

I am doing this purely for my own enjoyment and to help the local farming community on a volunatry basis-

I would be entirely self-sufficient whilst on your land and would be happy to provdie you with any other help.

im willing to lend a hand around the farm should you ever need it.

i have BASC insurance.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Many thanks in advance

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sorry bud it means 2 12gram c02 cartriges. would love you use shotgun but aint got that cash yet. plus the main farm i got is rats wich a .22 will sort them out.

ive got another rifle but need to renew licence its a 7.62 bravo 51

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My last 12 bore side by side cost me £50.


Really mate, the SMK is a pile. If you shoot the remington M700 for a living you would be well aware of that. I f you don`t shoot it for a living then I`m curious as to how you can own it while your FAC is expired

The money would be better spent on a secondhand BSA or somit.

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