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Underachieving Brits

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lab tastic ... i agree . British people celebrate mediocrity far too much.


As for training for something for four years that you have no chance of finishing in the top three... well sod that for a game of soilders.


The "taking part that counts" attitude of this country is exactly what has got us in this mess to start with.

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3rd.....26 medals...........only 2 of the most highly populated nations in the world above us...................................underachieving Brits my arse !!

Deary me what a sad statement that is mate. Its an honour to take part for your country in any sport...whether you win or not you have to give it your best and hope things fall in your favour, you are

Personally i have a deep seated mis-trust for people on forums that claim to know a "little bit" about everything and shove it down everyones throat but hey

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lab tastic ... i agree . British people celebrate mediocrity far too much.


As for training for something for four years that you have no chance of finishing in the top three... well sod that for a game of soilders.


The "taking part that counts" attitude of this country is exactly what has got us in this mess to start with.

Deary me what a sad statement that is mate. Its an honour to take part for your country in any sport...whether you win or not you have to give it your best and hope things fall in your favour, you are up against the best in the world at the very top of there game remember. Just getting to the Olympics is an achievement in its self.........How would you like to be say in the top ten in the World at something.....i f*****g would!!!!... :yes:

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no .. it would be great .. but better to be #1 and be .. the Best ..


Some of our guys .. look like there just happy to be there. Look at the intensity or the yanks , aussies etc


If you get there ... finish the job

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no .. it would be great .. but better to be #1 and be .. the Best ..


Some of our guys .. look like there just happy to be there. Look at the intensity or the yanks , aussies etc


If you get there ... finish the job

I dont see anymore desire in the Yanks, Oz' or anyone else as a matter off fact. Do you think there honestly just turning up not trying......i doubt that. You just have to hold your hands up sometimes if someone is stronger, fitter, faster than you on the day..... :thumbs:
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not everyone can win that take part looks like someone never scored lastnight LOL :thumbs: john

Probably 'came first' and the misses wasnt happy......................again!!.... :whistling::D

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not everyone can win that take part looks like someone never scored lastnight LOL :thumbs: john

Probably 'came first' and the misses wasnt happy......................again!!.... :whistling::D



Just bored and cant for the life of me understand how people can get excited about it all? Horses for courses and all that i suppose....

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not everyone can win that take part looks like someone never scored lastnight LOL :thumbs: john

Probably 'came first' and the misses wasnt happy......................again!!.... :whistling::D



Just bored and cant for the life of me understand how people can get excited about it all? Horses for courses and all that i suppose....

I'll have to admit that most of it is f*****g boring....i doubt i'll watch much to be honest but when i do its easy to get drawn in. Was at a mates last night and the swimming was on and the lad broke the WR...he wasn't GB but i found myself egging him on... :yes: Its great to see WR and OR being broken........thats what its all about for me... :thumbs:

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i agree .. sailing is not a sport. neither is a horse walking round in circles.


Gnasher16 - when you say size , do you mean area or population. ??


if we say population (this is fairer i hope you agree, after all the point you make is that they have more to choose from)


We have 62m on 2011 census


Spain 40m

Argentina 40m

Australia 22m

Jamaica 2.7m (who will likely produce the gold and silver in the 100&200m)



Sorry gnasher .. you just been gnashed !!


Either or.................We,re talking about Sport in general not specific sports like Jamaica in the sprints !!!

How many world champion boxers have Jamaica produced compared to GB ?

How well does the Argentinian Cricket team do on an annual basis compared to England/GB ?

How do the Jamaicans fair at Rugby compared to GB ?

Who is Jamaicas equivalent to Steve Redgrave in the rowing ?


Certain countries will fair better at different sports yes,.......but over the whole of the sporting world....i ask again,name me a better country for WORLD sport than GB of equal size ?


The tables wont lie....at the end of the Olympics lets see where GB finish....we were predicted 4th......behind Usa,China,Russia....................now have a look at their size/population compared to ours and thats only within Olympic sport ;)

Edited by gnasher16
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