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Its a nice idea just letting a load of people in if there is empty seats but it could never happen realistically.

:laugh: :laugh: YOU AINT GOT AN IGLOO

And you've really shown you have.


I don't have a clue at all, just using common sense. I can see you probably think its a case of opening the fire door at the back of the stadium and heroically shouting "come on in kids! free seats for everyone" . And I'm sure you are right. If only you were running things.


I've got to go anyway, busy trying to bash my head through a brick wall.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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its the school holidays you would think they would let groups of children from the local area have some of the empty seat john

Who the feck in their right mind would pay the fekin exstortionate prices for tickets any way.

Why?   You haven't got enough to think about if you're getting angry over a few empty seats lol

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why smuggle any one through the back door when they have tens of thousands of names and all their details on record from the ballots or as they did at the commonwelth games contact all amature clubs locally and let them use them , common sence nope were better than that we are orginised

in the ams and are very good at short notice , oh and self harm is not the answer take deep breaths it only a disscusion ;)

Edited by gonetoearth
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GTE your dead right, working in the Leisure Industry, I know of a great many who first applied and with that first fiasco of sales were let down, those contacts are there, alongside all those amature clubs of every governing sporting body this country holds, its to these this games needs to look to to fill those seats.

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Gonetoearth is absolutely right..........take the boxing for instance,apparently its taking place at the Excel where there is at least 6 amateur gyms and 3 pro gyms i can think of off the top of my head within spitting distance of the arena......that part of London has historically been a hotbed for boxing................the Excel is not a massive arena so if theres ANY empty seats you would have to question why.

Same can probably be said about a lot of sports.

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It's a bit of a disgrace but at the end of the day if someone buys a ticket or a corporate sponsor has been gifted a load and they don't use them that's their right. If I bought a car and let it rot on the drive, it's a shame I didn't give it to a family that would have really appreciated it, but again it's my right to do as a wish with it. In my opinion the disgrace is with those that don't apreciate the true worth of what they have, not the organisers.


Nobody would have expected that people with tickets wouldn't be turning up to the games, f**k me I would jump at the chance, otherwise they most probably would have written in some clause into all ticket purchases/gifts which would allow the seats to be filled if not done so within say 1 hour.


Day 3....... Common GB!

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