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Well im out again

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I've been out since 5 , had a few . Looking forward to a nice drink when I get in thanks to Mr DavyT ;) . Will post more later .


hi Craig

good to see you today!

and i hope you enjoy the ginger beer :laugh: :laugh: :tongue2:

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Well as you can probably see , Davy and i met up today . He txt me last night to say he was going SFS and did i want to meet up for a chat . Well , as i dont see him as often as ide like , i of course took him up on the offer , better still Goldminer ( some of you from AAOC might know him ) was also going to pop in for a natter ! Well we all met up and had a good old chin wag , some giggles , and a general good time in the company of like minded people . Tony and Tracey , as usual , welcomed us and their hospitality was second to none . Coop ( Goldminer ) had made davy some custom bits , and Davy was in the shop for his TX , and me ? well i was just there to have a laff with some mates . After we went our seperate ways , i decided that i would go and get a few rabbits . Thinking back , i dont know why i didnt ask Davy to come , sorry mate . When i got home i stripped my kit down to the essentials . Took all the things out that that i dint need , sorted a few bits and went . When i got to my shoot , i pulled onto the site and a rabbit sat 20 yds away . Drew a bead , fired , MISSED !!!! Ide not even got out of the car ? I looked at the scope and the AO was on 5 yds . I quickly set it to 25 ( where i know where i am ) and knocked him over . I pulled round the back of the building and got my stuff out . To my dissapointment , ide put the Dr Bob bottle clamp too far down the bottle and the bi pod was catching the stock . Only way out way move the clamp ( when i stripped my kit down , i took the allen keys out ) or put the bi pod on backwards , where it would JUST clear the stock .As i did nt have the allen keys , and i had also mentioned earliet that day that bi pods make you a lazy shooter , i decied to go without . I lay in wait and had 2 more , before moving off . This is just my usual zero check site , but there were a couple about today .


When i pulled into the next , there were quite a few out down the fence line , as i rounded the corner of the building i saw about 9 rabbits out in the sun . Sorry only took one pic today . So this is where they were lying out ( old picture )



I got to the corner of the building and managed to get three before they all ducked under the fence . Its great when they dont dive for cover and you can get more than one shot off .After that i took it easy and sat up in the corner only mamnaging one more rabbit and a woodie . The rabbit had funny ears -




Ive seen em with none , but never like this ?? Anyway , after that i called it a day , had a chat with the landowner ( who had all the meat from me , but hey thats ok ) and went on my way . I got home and the present that Davy had brought me was waiting in the fridge -




All in all , a great day , with great company and a decent shoot to finish off with .



YIS Buster .

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