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Tips on catching Pike.

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I don't agree with the glove, not for me, sorry, if your not sure on unhooking pike, take someone who is and they will show you how to unhook easily and also there is no need to be scared of pike, they will show you how to handle pike, once you have been shown by someone it will make thing's easier for you, good luck. :thumbs:

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It's a bit hard to explain without showing you the actual fish, you would be better to watch a few pike being caught and unhooked on youtube you will soon notice how they all hold them a similar way, try typing in unhooking pike, or maybe someone can explain it of here.

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looks good get the narrowist spot so there close to the bait mabye would help what i use is 18lb line dunno the make of rad an reel and wire trace two treble hooks and makrel is the best all salt fish with the most oil also try get your hands on some red wool pike like there presentation and i just fire it in with no float keep the line nice and tight and whatch the top for move ment ;) good luck hope this helps

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  • 3 weeks later...

i make my own trace with a large singel hook i always use a live bait hooked through the tail or lip for flout fishing its a lot easy to un hook a pike with a singel hook and just as good as trebel hooks iv got loads made up pm me your address and i will post you a few to try if you like :victory:

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