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Olympic Opening Ceremony !!

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Must say I sat there and enjoyed it... bit boring when it seemed to take forever for the athletes coming into the stadium but overall it was pretty spectacular :thumbs:....


had me in stitches when the german team came into the arena, Didn't look much like a wave to me to his athletes :hmm:... even Boris seems to be laughing in the background....


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Brilliant , Rowan Atkinson , Bond & The Queen , bet the Yanks where thinkin "What the feck is going on here" , the history off the country was put across well , forging the olympic rings in honour

thats what i said to my lass, what the f**k was that all about??       and edit to say, to them members, shitting on about cash..   who give a f**k how much it cost, we'l only see it once in ou

I thought it did us proud to be honest

Im absolutely gutted i fell asleep just before GB came out :icon_redface: .....Would anyone happen to be able to do a link thing to watch the bit where Ali was on.....and the lighting of the torch ?


Think the French thing is the same at every Olympics wherever it is so its nothing to get pissed off about its just following tradition.

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Must say I sat there and enjoyed it... bit boring when it seemed to take forever for the athletes coming into the stadium but overall it was pretty spectacular :thumbs:....


had me in stitches when the german team came into the arena, Didn't look much like a wave to me to his athletes :hmm:... even Boris seems to be laughing in the background....



:laugh: i could not beleave it chalie and her were in stiches good job old phil did not see him he would have joined in :laugh: :laugh:
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I enjoyed the start of it.......loved the national anthems getting sung by the choirs but some of it for me was crigeworthy. The stuff with the Queen and Bond ffs..... :laugh: I never knew either why it was French first and then English, i do now but still think it should have been the other way round. No chance i was watching it all, first 45mins was enough......... :bye:

What did Beckam do?

. Its one of them lab you either love it or you hate it , Beckham drove a speed. Boat up the Thames. With the flame then up the cut to hand over to Steve Redgrave.

Dont get me wrong mate i didnt hate it.....i watched a bit on the news this morning with the rings getting formed and raised up, very spectacular indeed..........maybe if it cost 500'000 or something then it would be different but when theres a 27 million price tag maybe you expect to get blown away. And it was very long..... :yes:

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Just watched the last hour that i missed......how anyone could fail to be impressed by that i dont know i thought it was superb........Seb Coes speech was brilliant " the purity of sport is irressistable ".....what a line that was !!.............great idea with the youngsters lighting the torch taking it off a big strong athlete like Redgrave too.........couldnt fault any of it......apart from the bit with Ali i dont like to see him paraded about like that anymore................but in all i thought it was a fantastic example of all things good about Britain.

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I agree gnash, we sat there as a family until 1am!! It did get a bot tedious watching the numerous nations enter the arena, BUT i thought the opening ceremony was utterly fantstic, and something we as hosts should be very proud of...........

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Why was it in FRENCH before ENGLISH ?? I feel embarassed and annoyed !!



thats what i said to my lass, what the f**k was that all about??




and edit to say, to them members, shitting on about cash..


who give a f**k how much it cost, we'l only see it once in our life time.


that money would of been spent on pakis and poor little hand outs to Africa

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Why was it in FRENCH before ENGLISH ?? I feel embarassed and annoyed !!



thats what i said to my lass, what the f**k was that all about??




and edit to say, to them members, shitting on about cash..


who give a f**k how much it cost, we'l only see it once in our life time.


that money would of been spent on pakis and poor little hand outs to Africa

I'm afraid that money will still go to them mate......its the kids and the elderly that will suffer!!... :yes:

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Why was it in FRENCH before ENGLISH ?? I feel embarassed and annoyed !!



thats what i said to my lass, what the f**k was that all about??




and edit to say, to them members, shitting on about cash..


who give a f**k how much it cost, we'l only see it once in our life time.


that money would of been spent on pakis and poor little hand outs to Africa

I'm afraid that money will still go to them mate......its the kids and the elderly that will suffer!!... :yes:

yea mate you right..hand outs and imports R us

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The thing is Gnash if anything it should be Greek first as they Invented the Games.

Fook all to do with the Frogs.


Yes but the modern Olympic Games were founded by a Frenchman...............if im not wrong its an official requirement that announcements be given in French first as French is the official language of the IOC ;)..........hence why its the same at every Olympics.

Edited by gnasher16
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I'm afraid that money will still go to them mate......its the kids and the elderly that will suffer!!... :yes:


Its twisted logic......but i would rather our kids and elderly suffered at the hands of British sport than suffer at the hands of poor Africans and mosques etc

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I'm afraid that money will still go to them mate......its the kids and the elderly that will suffer!!... :yes:


Its twisted logic......but i would rather our kids and elderly suffered at the hands of British sport than suffer at the hands of poor Africans and mosques etc

I agree....somewhat!! I'd rather the twats that run our country sussed out how much we need to get out of this hole that we are in and then splashed the rest on things like the Olympics. Said it before on here( and i got shot down) i wouldn't send anymore money to these African countries. It would be far better just to let them die back to a level where they could cope and look after themselves instead of simply handing money out every year.

Anyway hardly Olympics this debate................sorry!!

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I watched bits of it and enjoyed the bits I saw. One thing that made me smile is that most people in the UK with a basic knowledge about our proud history and achievements would have understood what was going on, but it was said that a billion people around the world were tuned in and I wondered how many of them knew what the feck was going on? :laugh:



The thing is Gnash if anything it should be Greek first as they Invented the Games.

Fook all to do with the Frogs.


Yes but the modern Olympic Games were founded by a Frenchman...............if im not wrong its an official requirement that announcements be given in French first as French is the official language of the IOC ;)


That's what I thought. :hmm: I think English is the first language of FIFA in a simalar sort of way.. :hmm::thumbs:

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