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A Walk down the Clyde

Guest SJM

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Yeah how did you know that Darcy, were you watching me with your binos? :clapper:

I tried to photo myself in the scud lying in the slimy water, but my camera got wet :cry:


Bob, yes they are both workers mate, allthough the blue/white dog is pretty much retired now. He is the grandsire and also great grandsire of the pied bitch. Workwise she gets smashed up a lot more than a collie/greyhound as she is more gutsy, she is out of action at the minute with a persistant shoulder injury, cant seem to keep her out of trouble :blink:

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Yeah how did you know that Darcy, were you watching me with your binos? :clapper:

I tried to photo myself in the scud lying in the slimy water, but my camera got wet :cry:


Bob, yes they are both workers mate, allthough the blue/white dog is pretty much retired now. He is the grandsire and also great grandsire of the pied bitch. Workwise she gets smashed up a lot more than a collie/greyhound as she is more gutsy, she is out of action at the minute with a persistant shoulder injury, cant seem to keep her out of trouble :blink:




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