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Team work between dogs.

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I have it happen a lot, one dog will run right behind the quarry while the other one goes out wide and cuts it off

i've got a lurcher here that is a descendent of the wild cat     well it must be it catches loads of birds

I've heard it all now.

all a bit mixed up with whats the oldest, its generally excepted that dogs evolved from the domesticated wolves and dna test have proved that theses 14 breeds are the closest relations to the original wolf.


There are fourteen contenders for the title of "oldest breed." Dogs, as we know them today, are descendants of domesticated wolves. DNA research was conducted to determine which dog breeds had the most common 'genetic fingerprints' to wolves.


The fourteen "ancient breeds" identified are:

Afghan Hound


Alaskan Malamute


Chow Chow

Lhasa Apso





Shiba Inu

Shih Tzu

Siberian Husky

Tibetan Terrier



This research was reported in the article "Genetic Structure of the Purebred Domestic Dog" in the journal Science, Volume 304, on May 21, 2004.


Read more: http://wiki.answers....d#ixzz21tmrbhX5


Not going to argue whats the oldest breed but many of those places where the dogs are from are also places where people learnt to write so maybe there the only places that had written records of dogs of old so we presume there the oldest breeds,just a thought i had :hmm: and now off for a lie down :blink: ..

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all a bit mixed up with whats the oldest, its generally excepted that dogs evolved from the domesticated wolves and dna test have proved that theses 14 breeds are the closest relations to the original wolf.


There are fourteen contenders for the title of "oldest breed." Dogs, as we know them today, are descendants of domesticated wolves. DNA research was conducted to determine which dog breeds had the most common 'genetic fingerprints' to wolves.


The fourteen "ancient breeds" identified are:

Afghan Hound


Alaskan Malamute


Chow Chow

Lhasa Apso





Shiba Inu

Shih Tzu

Siberian Husky

Tibetan Terrier



This research was reported in the article "Genetic Structure of the Purebred Domestic Dog" in the journal Science, Volume 304, on May 21, 2004.


Where is the Plummer terrier on that list.. :hmm:

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all a bit mixed up with whats the oldest, its generally excepted that dogs evolved from the domesticated wolves and dna test have proved that theses 14 breeds are the closest relations to the original wolf.


There are fourteen contenders for the title of "oldest breed." Dogs, as we know them today, are descendants of domesticated wolves. DNA research was conducted to determine which dog breeds had the most common 'genetic fingerprints' to wolves.


The fourteen "ancient breeds" identified are:

Afghan Hound


Alaskan Malamute


Chow Chow

Lhasa Apso





Shiba Inu

Shih Tzu

Siberian Husky

Tibetan Terrier



This research was reported in the article "Genetic Structure of the Purebred Domestic Dog" in the journal Science, Volume 304, on May 21, 2004.


Read more: http://wiki.answers....d#ixzz21tmrbhX5


Not going to argue whats the oldest breed but many of those places where the dogs are from are also places where people learnt to write so maybe there the only places that had written records of dogs of old so we presume there the oldest breeds,just a thought i had :hmm: and now off for a lie down :blink: ..

what came first the picture or the scribe :laugh:
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all a bit mixed up with whats the oldest, its generally excepted that dogs evolved from the domesticated wolves and dna test have proved that theses 14 breeds are the closest relations to the original wolf.


There are fourteen contenders for the title of "oldest breed." Dogs, as we know them today, are descendants of domesticated wolves. DNA research was conducted to determine which dog breeds had the most common 'genetic fingerprints' to wolves.


The fourteen "ancient breeds" identified are:

Afghan Hound


Alaskan Malamute


Chow Chow

Lhasa Apso





Shiba Inu

Shih Tzu

Siberian Husky

Tibetan Terrier



This research was reported in the article "Genetic Structure of the Purebred Domestic Dog" in the journal Science, Volume 304, on May 21, 2004.


Where is the Plummer terrier on that list.. :hmm:

there was a show that day :laugh:
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http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ethiopian+wolf&hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB344GB344&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ADBDUKnlF8nK0QX3iYGQBw&sqi=2&ved=0CC8QsAQ&biw=1015&bih=506It could be the Ethiopian Wolf a red long legged wolf that hunts solitary but lives in packs also known as the Simien fox lives at altitude so is used to thin air = stamina
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