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But of a fright

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Well out wends 930 ish farmer had just cut the grass and as we know it can be very productive time anyway was down the bottom fields as I looked up to the top spotted what we were after mooching about in the middle of a feild so a short walk up with the two dogs held in each hand by the collars I get to the top of the feild thers a 5 bar gate beetween me and the quarry so I move to the side down on my knees just behind a hedge start sqweeking it in now it's flying in only trouble is there's 3 horses followed us up and positioned themselfs on the gate problem is can't get them out the way because I'll frighten the quarry so I made a massive mistake and let the two dogs go my older dog and my 1 year old pup well older dog goes through first but pup wasn't so lucky horse spooked and back kicked her square in the nut I'm not talking a pony now this thing was 17 h shire cross well knocked her about 4 foot and she was just there all four legs stiff as a boared head moving from side to side tonge out blood coming from nose and mouth I thought she was dead anyway 2 mins later older bitch comes back after a fight with the hard rat and the pup starts coming around she gets up very wobbly and very dased well I couldn't beleave it I thought she was dead anyway 2 days have elapsed and she seems fine eating well drinking but I learnt a valuable lessen that night and that's respect horses around your dogs or you will end up with a dead dog I was very lucky hope this story makes people think twice atb donk

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my whippet got kicked last week aswell mate only 10 month old pup big hole in his cheek and teeth missing knocked out for 20 seconds or so also got a fractred jaw bone so probably worth getting an xray you never know the damage done, not just superficial. dogs will eat even if there jaws are hanging off lol

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Jaw was fine mate the kick hit the top left hand side of of the scull just above the eye she's a bit sore there but apart from that I think she's ok went out for a little stroll last night and she seemed alert and up on her toes she had some venison as a treat atb donk

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Give her a bit of time off, she may not look injured but you never know what underlying damage there may be. Our own sheepdog got hit by a car and after giving her steroids vet told me to keep her rested for 6wks at least

Just like yours mine was out cold for quite a while, I brought her to vets to be pts and luckily for her she started coming around at the vets

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Guest born to run1083

My bull x bitch is still in rehab from a wild horse. She at my dads still after 4 months of my dad every day taking her up the stables round dog friendly horses to try get her feeling less nervous. If off lead she still won't cone within a 100 meters of a horse. Hope your bitch makes a full recovery physically and mentally mate

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Was ferreting and dog chased rabb round a small horsefield, a big trap pony didn't like it and chased her. She took the rabb live to my mate! Second time that horse has improved my dogs retrieve lol. Won't be workin her round them again tho, not worth the risk.

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