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facebook hunting

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Is it not the middle of July in Devon then?


Hunting? July?





Well said Ss, but wouldn't "if i didn't do it someone else would " cover july hunting?


Maybe so, but you're not responsible for anyone elses actions.


I wouldn't go out in the summer, but that's as much to do with not wanting a cooked dog or one with raw feet than anything else.

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The lad had been supposedly offered a job down there working 14 hour days ,Work is hard to find in the N/west so he

was abit more eager than he normally would have been , he was talking to the c^^t for a couple of months ended up he had his time wasted and a wad of cash he couldnt afford was spent on his rail fare, He was nieve or what ever you want to call it but the tosser who did it wants a good toe ending he is a typical go shite who frequent facebook I wouldnt go on it if they paid me, one final thing if the lad who did the dirty happens to be on here it is a small world and what goes around comes around w**ker

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