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facebook hunting

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I don't use face book but a freind of mine in uk dose and he was befreinded by a chap on the hunting pages ther over the last few months my freind been telling me he is moving to devon 2weeks on 2weeks off for working/hunting with this new freind of the book the lad I no is from bolton he really been looking forwards to it due to the unlimited hunting and the high paid job he was to be doing. the time come to make the journy they spoke and arranged a time and place in devon to meet the lad from bolton has a terrier a running dog and 2 more dogs birds and ferrits so he paid his freind to lookafter the dogs birds and ferrits and took his lurcher and terrier with him on the train costing him 125 pound and a 5.5hour one way journy he arrived early and waited till the arranged time before ringing his new mate and guess what his phone was off and he was left in a trainstation in devon with his dogs and never made contact with the guy he had to go home what a waste of time and preparation I chuldent help but laugh when he told me but I thought I whuld post it on here just incase any of you are planning a hunting /working holliday with some one u no of face book sounds like a anti to me bet he had a right laugh with his tree hugging mates I will post his name when I find it out today ,,, I feel abit for the lad he a nice kid always helpt me out when I asked and chuldent really afford the money wasted,, but still pretty funny and to top it off on the train journy home he had 2 antis on the train givin him shit about his dogs for hours the poor c**t

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I don't use face book but a freind of mine in uk dose and he was befreinded by a chap on the hunting pages ther over the last few months my freind been telling me he is moving to devon 2weeks on 2weeks off for working/hunting with this new freind of the book the lad I no is from bolton he really been looking forwards to it due to the unlimited hunting and the high paid job he was to be doing. the time come to make the journy they spoke and arranged a time and place in devon to meet the lad from bolton has a terrier a running dog and 2 more dogs birds and ferrits so he paid his freind to lookafter the dogs birds and ferrits and took his lurcher and terrier with him on the train costing him 125 pound and a 5.5hour one way journy he arrived early and waited till the arranged time before ringing his new mate and guess what his phone was off and he was left in a trainstation in devon with his dogs and never made contact with the guy he had to go home what a waste of time and preparation I chuldent help but laugh when he told me but I thought I whuld post it on here just incase any of you are planning a hunting /working holliday with some one u no of face book sounds like a anti to me bet he had a right laugh with his tree hugging mates I will post his name when I find it out today ,,, I feel abit for the lad he a nice kid always helpt me out when I asked and chuldent really afford the money wasted,, but still pretty funny and to top it off on the train journy home he had 2 antis on the train givin him shit about his dogs for hours the poor c**t

And that why, I won't use Facebook. You wouldnt lend money to someone you know nothing about, so this shouldnt be suprising.

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as we call it the facy b is a pile off shit there are all kinds off people dont like it mostly for people on the rebond from a broken relationship or sad mother f..kers looking to give to help u but not it causes a lot off trouble and brakes relation ships up just dont like the f..king shit sight but thats me TOMA !

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I don't use it either full stop more police and antis on ther than anywere else and I change my account on here evrytime I get a new phone can't be 2 carefull these days even tho I do nothin wrong u never no who [bANNED TEXT] talkin to on the internett

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Has no one ever stopped to think its a way for the NWO to keep a track on people who are stupid enough to document every second of their sad lives on there, whilst also dumbing them down with stupid games and chain postings, any coinkydink its ran by a jew, would his ancestory be traced back to the Rothschilds, Rokkefeller, Goldsburgh or any of the other Zionistic Families.


Probably bullsh!t but what if its not :whistling: :whistling:

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