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what type raw meat would you buy and what would you pay

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Evening all by trade im a butcher but really thinking about going into the dog food bussiness on the side

just looking to know what type of products you would all be after and what price you would be willing to pay

i was thinking along the lines off


minced chicken


minced tripe


minced turkey


minced beef




beef chunks


chicken wings


chicken carcass


all up in 10lb bags what would you be willing to pay and feel free to say what other items you would be intrested in


also would anyone be intrested in chicken fillet and tined tuna


thanks all

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i feed most meat but i wouldnae touch tripe way a bargepole, id honestly rather feed kibble than tripe...


my dogs thrive on lamb/beef/chicken/bunnys as staple diet way veg, pasta an rice thrown in for good measure, they also get a load a hare an venision when its available, check out some a the pet food sites mate, durham animal feed or daf for short usually has a decent suplly an a good menu, tho me an a few mates local to me have stopped using them as there prices are slowly but surely creepin up..


best a luck with ye new venture :thumbs:

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i feed most meat but i wouldnae touch tripe way a bargepole, id honestly rather feed kibble than tripe...


my dogs thrive on lamb/beef/chicken/bunnys as staple diet way veg, pasta an rice thrown in for good measure, they also get a load a hare an venision when its available, check out some a the pet food sites mate, durham animal feed or daf for short usually has a decent suplly an a good menu, tho me an a few mates local to me have stopped using them as there prices are slowly but surely creepin up..


best a luck with ye new venture :thumbs:

i feed along the same lines myself not a big fan of tripe on its own as it lacks alot of stuff more so protein than any thing eles what price that company charge



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i feed most meat but i wouldnae touch tripe way a bargepole, id honestly rather feed kibble than tripe...


my dogs thrive on lamb/beef/chicken/bunnys as staple diet way veg, pasta an rice thrown in for good measure, they also get a load a hare an venision when its available, check out some a the pet food sites mate, durham animal feed or daf for short usually has a decent suplly an a good menu, tho me an a few mates local to me have stopped using them as there prices are slowly but surely creepin up..


best a luck with ye new venture :thumbs:

i feed along the same lines myself not a big fan of tripe on its own as it lacks alot of stuff more so protein than any thing eles what price that company charge





im sure daf started off at around 7 quid a box mate, an a box consistes of 20 x 1lb pouches of your desired meat, but over the last 4 years an the increase in customers buying the barf diet in for dogs there prices have soared, im sure its upto 11 quid a box of meat now mate, but there meat is always nice an fresh to give them some credit, there is also a place im middlesbough now that offers similar services but my mate told me yesterday there chicken was shit, i have went another route an now swap/barter or buy in meat from 2 local butchers in return for game :thumbs:

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i feed most meat but i wouldnae touch tripe way a bargepole, id honestly rather feed kibble than tripe...


my dogs thrive on lamb/beef/chicken/bunnys as staple diet way veg, pasta an rice thrown in for good measure, they also get a load a hare an venision when its available, check out some a the pet food sites mate, durham animal feed or daf for short usually has a decent suplly an a good menu, tho me an a few mates local to me have stopped using them as there prices are slowly but surely creepin up..


best a luck with ye new venture :thumbs:


Wouldn't touch tripe with a barge pole, why's that? Don't you like the smell? :laugh:


My dogs get mainly rabbit, venison and birds, I supplement with a little kibble and feed hearts from time to time.

Because I don't feed guts, I feel the need to give tripe. It has a lot to give dogs other than protein.

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i feed most meat but i wouldnae touch tripe way a bargepole, id honestly rather feed kibble than tripe...


my dogs thrive on lamb/beef/chicken/bunnys as staple diet way veg, pasta an rice thrown in for good measure, they also get a load a hare an venision when its available, check out some a the pet food sites mate, durham animal feed or daf for short usually has a decent suplly an a good menu, tho me an a few mates local to me have stopped using them as there prices are slowly but surely creepin up..


best a luck with ye new venture :thumbs:


Wouldn't touch tripe with a barge pole, why's that? Don't you like the smell? :laugh:


My dogs get mainly rabbit, venison and birds, I supplement with a little kibble and feed hearts from time to time. Because I don't feed guts, I feel the need to give tripe. It has a lot to give dogs other than protein.



smell an it was pointed out to me a while ago that the nutritional value of tripe compared to other meat is crap, so i opted not to feed it, i go tmates who swear by it an there dogs do well, i do feed a very mixed diet an try to make up for the lack of tripe in the diet :thumbs:

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tripe s nutritionall content may not be that of flesh such as beef lamb chicken etc that is because one its offal , but where the tripe makes up for is the mnerals and amino acids it gives one animal a good gut flora with the good bacteria etc also feeding gren bellys they also receive all the veg in the tripe its self one often heres tripe crap i believe its a good food product if used correctly . atb bunnys.

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tripe s nutritionall content may not be that of flesh such as beef lamb chicken etc that is because one its offal , but where the tripe makes up for is the mnerals and amino acids it gives one animal a good gut flora with the good bacteria etc also feeding gren bellys they also receive all the veg in the tripe its self one often heres tripe crap i believe its a good food product if used correctly . atb bunnys.


do ye think im missing out by not feeding it then?? even tho i feed full rabbits with all guts an such intact, an all birds i ever feed are fed whole???

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tripe s nutritionall content may not be that of flesh such as beef lamb chicken etc that is because one its offal , but where the tripe makes up for is the mnerals and amino acids it gives one animal a good gut flora with the good bacteria etc also feeding gren bellys they also receive all the veg in the tripe its self one often heres tripe crap i believe its a good food product if used correctly . atb bunnys.


do ye think im missing out by not feeding it then?? even tho i feed full rabbits with all guts an such intact, an all birds i ever feed are fed whole???

no on the contary red birds have stomacks so do rabbs i think they are getting there little bellies with the grasses vegetation etc . atb bunnys.
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