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what to do

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hi there ,what to do , i have just got my shotgun cert and have some pigeon decoys ,now my dilemma is do i sell one of my air rifles to buy a pigeon flapper and a rotary as i have £600 for a new shottie i need more cash. i have a HW 97 with a v mach tuning kit in it and a new nikko sterling 4-12-50 ao ir scope. What should i do,wait and save or sell and get what i want now . im tempted to sell just not sure as i love this gun but needs must .If only i could win the lottery .



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dont sell, you can manage at this time of year with out flapper and rotary (although you may be at a loose end on layed corn....but that wont be long left now) make some bouncers out of hazel (im sure there will be some vids on youtube) and get out and gain some experience. You could even try decoying to your airrifle, its very hard but also very rewarding and will make you a brilliant decoyer.

Either way that's my opinion and i was in your position about a year ago.

You might want a flapper or rotary for the OSR early next year but im sure you can find something else to sell by then

atb Ratty

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Peter, as Ratty as said you don't need to go and try and get everything all a once, if you have permission on arrable crops, they will be combining in the next week or so. if you have some shell decoys use some rocker stakes, mounting stakes with the springs on, These work well in a fare sized pattern. And if your good with your hands make some cradles so you can stretch the wings out. out of the metal coat hangers if you can find some ask around friends they are still about. You can mount them on the thin garden bamboo cane's that are at graden centres, about six foot long. I have done this in the past when money was scare's, they do work as good Bouncers, If you can do this you'll be proud as punch when you shoot your first bird, you could also try these i have two, set out 20 yards or so behind the pattern, work well with wind 10mph up. you may find them cheaper if you search: Dave


Edited by hotshot2me
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thanks for the advice guys, i understand what your saying about getting everything at once ,i may try the decoys you suggest, its just frustrating sitting there with the shotgun an nowt to shoot at, i have decoyed them down for the air rifle but the bags are basically a cpl at best, i would still have my airarms s200 if i did sell the HW 97k , i think i will eventually need it all but as you say not neccessarily now,i have the bug though and ant to be out gettting decent bags.i have attempted to make a home made bouncer and i will try it at the weekend and see how i get on . cheers guys.



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well i got 6 pigeons this weekend but should have been 3 times that more like , more practice required i think . my home made bouncer was crap, i struggled to secure the pigeon to it so gave up ,more tweaking is needed here . im out again next saturady and then clays and a lesson on the monday. just got my new gun ,pick it up mid week. A laurona eibar magnum ,second hand but i really good condition , single trigger and multi choke . i just need to learn how to shoot the bloody thing now.



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try watching a few fieldsports britain episodes (just google it) and some of the stuff that you pick up on there is really useful and the viewing is really interesting with all the other stuff they do, pigeoning will come up every couple of weeks. I take it from your post that your shooting let you down a bit this time. I can tel you that i know exactly how you feel and its so easy just to get yourself wound up about the misses and just end up bogged down and not being able to hit a thing out of frustration - it happens to all of us normally i just slow things down, maybe let a few hard but still hittable birds pass and wait until i get a real easy bird to kill and take it easy, because when i get like that i find that as soon as you break the run of misses your mind clears and you can turn your day round. stick with it though bud and maybe try and remember what kind of bird your missing and get down to your local clay ground and look for a few of these - at the moment i cant hit looping crows or the woodies as they are cocking to save my life and am going on the lookout for some rabbit loopers with the clays this weekend.

also it can take some time to get used to a new gun

hope you can pick it up bud

atb Ratty

Edited by Ratsmasher
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hey ratty , cheers for the advice mate.i spoke with a guy at work who is a good shot and alround shooter and when i explained what i had done and how i shot he asked me a few questions and recons im trying to aim with the gun and not following through on my shots ,told me a few things to try out. im going to see how i get on and if need be invite him out with me for a few pointers . oh and just ordered 6 crow decoys. im hooked on this sport and i will stick with it until i get it sorted. i am subscribed to fieldsports channel and it has been a big help already.Atb mate.



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