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thanks lads for your views some interesting points i will put the bitch in for a month or so yet along with the boneradial treatment and then give her a run if her toe stands up ok was it the portamag or the boneradial or just time we will never no

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Alas many vets recommend placebo, just look at rubbish like homeopathy etc being prescribed by vets, as to personal recommendation copper bracelets as a cure for rheumatism have many supporters but that doesn't mean it works or many swear they have been taken by aliens etc. The reason research is done into therapies is because we are the easiest one to fool and only by testing things can we truly see beyond our own pre conceptions. Nullius in verba ( take no ones word for it )is the motto of the royal society as "Science is the practise of learning not to fool yourself, and realising that you are the easiest person to fool."

Common sense tells us that millions of pounds are spent on wound healing and if a box could speed healing by 2 days it would be in every hospital in the world!

If it makes you feel better than that has value and a quiet place for a dog to recover undisturbed will have a positive effect so a recovery crate may well be a good idea but the magnets are a con sorry.

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