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Went For A Walk With The Boys And Hw97K :)

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I was having a browse on here this morning, missus say's she's off shopping and leaves the boys with me so i thought sod it i'll take them out for a bit of a mooch. so gave the old bill a call to let them know i was off out (as advised by a few members) :thumbs: :thumbs: ,
got to the perm and went to chap on the door but the farmer wasnt about so i just carried on, as he's always said it was ok but i always liked to let him know i was on his land ;)
so off we went having a look around and it was dead nothing but crows and as soon as 1 seen you they was off but then again i wasnt with the quietest of kids :censored: so we went around a few feilds and nothing, so we took a gander up the old railway line and told the lads to walk 30 paces behind me which worked most of the time :huh:
spotted a bunny on the feild about 35yrds away as i took aim and pulled the trigger the brats spoked it and it jumped straight in to the hedge row :censored:

rabbit population 1 hw97k 0

slightly pee'd off i told them to stop while i made my escape 30 paces infront again :D lucky this time they were slowing down abit and i spotted a set of bunny ears (nope not the Hugh Hefner type lol) :boogy:
i moved close to the hedge / tree line and lucky enough there was abit of brambles / thicket about 25 / 30 yrds in front of it so i sneaked up to them took aim and pulled the trigger and clack the pallet took place neatly at the side of the ear :boogy: :boogy:

rabbit population -1 hw97k +1 :D :D

called it a day after that as the boys were winging their legs was sore. :D

Edited by Wxm
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I'd settle for a draw rather than a blank, plus its hard work with young kids, so one is good :D


its there second outing and they did alot better this time so hopefully they'll only get better, the eldest is only 7 and asked what am i going to do with the rabbit, so i told him i'll skin and gut it for eaither my uncles dogs or mates dogs and he asked if he can help so looks positive :thumbs:

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Its good to get the kids out no matter what, and they soon learn to keep quiet, although I found one of them is always quieter than two of them. Well done to the lads, and they will soon be out on their own.......it will fly by.

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Great result with the Hw97 can't wait to get mine out properly tomorrow. just like my little cousins, they wear all their best sealand camouflage and were their bright blue hoodies up then say look lee there's a pigeon my answer is "yeah that's the one you scared off haha"



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Great to see tiddly winks outdoors. Bet they loved it. Lord knows they test us, but life would be boring otherwise. Right? :whistling:


lol tell you its never a dull day with my youngest lol :thumbs:

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Hi, never too young to get them interested, in shooting, get them a toy Rifle each and try and instill the art of stealth into them make them feel like they are actually hunting might work and make them quieter: Dave

Edited by hotshot2me
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Hi, never too young to get them interested, in shooting, get them a toy Rifle each and try and instill the art of stealth into them make them feel like they are actually hunting might work and make them quieter: Dave


Cheers mate, I've given them a old stock each and they are made up with them. When we stop I often find the a bank to shoot into. I rest the gun on my shoulder while kneeling and let them shoot/ often quiets them down knowing they can have a plink at the end of their walk ;)

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Hi my grandson is 8 and i am teaching him to shoot, he is exceptionally good, only had 4 x 1 hour lessons on targets at 23 yards lased, and he can put an average of 8 in the area of a new penny. but i will only teach him when he's good for his mum as he can be a bit of an handful, I'm trying to teach him discipline through shooting it'll be a long haul though, watch the Vid on my channel just search my user on here on you tube: Dave

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Mine are more interested in the playstation rather than real shooting.


compromise with them every other weekend or couple of days of each, mine dont have consoles id rather get them out and let them blow off some steam :thumbs:

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