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BSA Meteor MK6 or SMK Custom Grade B2?

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I am just starting out shooting rabbits with a BSA Meteor MK6 but my Dad has just bought me an SMK custom grade B2 off a mate for £40.I personally don't like the SMK because its trigger is a horrible thing and it has more kick. Should I use the Custom Grade B2 or the Meteor?

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Methinks you have answered your own question,If you dont like the recoil of the SMK Custom rifle compared to your meteor then stick with the BSA. assuming of course both rifles are a par with each other on power and accuracy, could be your BSA might be needing a bit of a tune up_ IE new spring and seals.?. test both against each other then decide. :yes:

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If the BSA is in good working order mate use it instead of the B2.


The B2 insnt in the same class as the BSA.


A trigger has a lot to do with the accuracy of a gun and I know the B2 has a very poor one where the BSA trigger is much better.


The MK 6 should also be pretty close to max power if all working fine but anything from 9 to 11.5 foot pounds if used wisely will be adequate to cull vermin.



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Roof rack on the convertible? Lewis you mean a boot rack!


No, a roof rack mike ;) because they are always useful on a convertable




How about a ash tray for a motorbike ! or a spare wheel for a submarine?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Roof rack on the convertible? Lewis you mean a boot rack!


No, a roof rack mike ;) because they are always useful on a convertable




How about a ash tray for a motorbike ! or a spare wheel for a submarine?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I remember ages ago a spoof that Honda ran for Air Conditioning on the Goldwing....

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