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been offered a swap raider ten shot for my hw97k

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i've advertised my hw97k for swaps and i've been offered a webley raider ten shot pcb .22, can anyone tell me what they are like and is it worth a deal?


gun for gun :thumbs:

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Iv just bought one now put a few shots through it felt great cant wait to have a shoot with it when I get back home




You mean your bargain 97... lucky git lol.


That's the one ;) our lass thought it was abit strange getting up at 9am when neither of us had to do anything haha an hour later we were on our way to pick up the gun. Externally it's abit rough but internally it's spot on venom tuned and appantly still bedding in a sand down and a little tlc with it and it will be spot on, I did a little rubbing down on the bluing but I just wanted to shoot it do I put it back in the stock and shot it some more.


Can't wait to get out tomorrow sight it in properly and possibly chrisin the gun on my permission, then again on Wednesday! This is one good week!!!


Lewis :)

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i've advertised my hw97k for swaps and i've been offered a webley raider ten shot pcb .22, can anyone tell me what they are like and is it worth a deal?


gun for gun :thumbs:


hi buddy

i would keep the HW97,and learn how to shoot it as accurate as the PCP/ webley raider,because it will match it :thumbs:

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I think pcps are lovely bits of kit and have a real purpose in air rifle shooting and hunting making accuracy easy for the new shooter and experienced alike.


Since going back to recoilling rifles though I feel my shooting as come on leaps and bounds and after watching Davy shoot his out the box 97 like he does I would say he's as accurate with it as I am with my 100, r10 or ultra now that we have properly calibrated it.


I would say keep the 97 and practice till your getting the most out of it mate.


Don't just shoot it though. Get to know it inside out, calibrated it finely and feed it the best pellet diet.


Look after it and respect it and it will match a pcp as long as you do your bit.

Edited by zini
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