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a question for you lads about knifemaking

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hi lads and ladies , can i ask if me showing you or talking you through (by pm) all the eliments of knife making have been on any help to you ?

would any of you say i had discurraged you in any way ?

even tho if i had with held stuff i might beleive i would have sold more ?



i just got a pm from a new member that openly admits to coming here to sell there products to you guys.

"Thanks for the kind words mate , I've been at this knife making lark for a fair while now. I joined here with a view to selling some knives to the good folk here and to hopefully pick up some tips on the airgun side of things."

and said this via pm to me earlier .

(direct quote from pm)



"I won't be resurrecting the knife on a shoestring thread due to the fact I want to make money and not educate people to make their own hence putting me out of bussiness.....I'm sure you understand."


i hope you agree with me this goes well against what we set out to do on here , which from what i remember was to self regulate this part of the forum and stick to some rules , that where if we sell on here we need to be subscribing members , and that we dont come on saying this is for sale , or i made this its for sale . we have to do "work in progress" photo+ explination of the procces involved materials etc ..

now i stuck to this the best i could and showed you guys from scratch making damascus etc . and i allways felt it was the right aproach and have enjoyed all the stuff on here with the knives and watching you guys come along getting better all the time ...


do any of you feel this is true and that the above quotes are well out of order and not what we are about ?


i really would like your thoughts on this guys .


ps this is not a sour grapes thing , i have said that i will probably not sell on here any more but will still be atcive and keep helping you if i can and enjoying what you guys make !!

please dont think im being a twat , im not trying to be im just sick of people taking the piss !


all the best , matt.



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its simple mate, this is a hunting forum with a sales section, not a selling forum with a few hunting articles to pull in potential customers. matt has contributed to the forum long before and during

matt youve done some cracking posts and your work that is a credit to you. i think i know what your saying, but its a dog eat dog world and for them to take the trouble you must be ruffleing feathers,

thanks guys , its genuinly not a business thing this one , the worlds big enough for everyone to make a living and we all do things differantly dont we , its not a financial threat thing either , ther

matt youve done some cracking posts and your work that is a credit to you. i think i know what your saying, but its a dog eat dog world and for them to take the trouble you must be ruffleing feathers, keep at it, nothing moves forward with the same old,same old :thumbs:

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Mate you have taught me loads and gave me he info and bits to ave ago myself ... You must ave noticed your self people ignore the just for sale bit !!! And please don't stop selling ........... :(

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thanks guys , its genuinly not a business thing this one , the worlds big enough for everyone to make a living and we all do things differantly dont we , its not a financial threat thing either , there is more to the pm but i dont think i should quote it ..

i just dont want to see everything that this section has become ruined because of someones greed , or posing as someone their not !

i really do enjoy watching you guys make stuff and it never made any money , in all honesty it gave me time to practice and learn to , you guys have helped me massively by getting behind me and responding like you have !!

by all means buy what ever you like and apriciate great skill that goes into the craft .

like i have said privatly through pm to some of you , iv made huge investment into going full time with this now , which means i have to be more a business man and charge what it cost to make these one offs , thats not really on with the rules we all set out .

i will have to make more effort to get noticed else where and be competative , so made the dessision to stop selling here and focus more on the comercial markets .


iv been on this forum years and will carry on using it for what it is a place to a have crack with lads that do the same things as me in the spare time , shooting, fishing, falconry , running dogs etc etc


what im trying to say is i was here before i ever made a knife , some new members dont seem to have any other reason to be here than sell stuff ????

all the best , matt.

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i found all ya posts verry interesting if i was to start to build knives that would be what i would learn from to be honest with ya they give you a detaild step by step guide in to the art of knife making i have started to do a little of this my self with what i do and i think its a cracking idea to do so theres to mutch bitching and people not willing to show folk how to do things when they are obviously wanting to learn so why not show them it may be the only way they can learn so ye i am all for it :thumbs:

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my take on it is this, i read your threads about how you made the knifes, an even tho i understand them an find them really intrestin, iv no actual plans to ever make a knife, same way as the guys that make collars, nets an anything else on this site, i supoose i could do, an id probs end up with a 2nd rate product, but thats not good enuff for me, i like my stuff well made, even if it means having to buy in, what ever your prices are for a knife/collar/net they may be expensive to some, but im afraid my time is valuable to me, an time spent making knifes/collars/nets or anything else is time lost on doing other things.. keep up the good work with the knifes an dont stop ye step by step threads, an ffs dont stop sellin on here, i want a wee mini knife like the 1 ye made ye mum in law lol an ia int placed an order yet :icon_eek::D

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Its after reading your threads that I decided to give it a go, and the help and advice I received from you has been invaluable, should name and shame the guy and then hopefully he'll sell no more, serve the twat right! Not what a forum is all about in my opinion

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  On 22/07/2012 at 21:24, ady-b said:

Its after reading your threads that I decided to give it a go, and the help and advice I received from you has been invaluable, should name and shame the guy and then hopefully he'll sell no more, serve the twat right! Not what a forum is all about in my opinion


thanks lads .

il give you a clue who it is . he looks like peter sutcliffe in a cow boy hat in his avatar and he makes knives , but not long join the forum !!

all the best , matt

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I have found all your threads enjoyable matt and have learnt alot from them..theyve held me understand things that if i only read about it wouldnt make any sense.. I think the craft section on the forum has some of the better posts and members and everyone very helpful.. Keep up the goodwork mate

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i read this last night and immediately clocked who the very generous new knife maker was, pete sutcliffe!! lol.

i find your posts have done nothing but encourage folk on this section to have a go, only time i've known you play things close to your chest was the meteorite pattern bit, and as i said at the time completely understandable, even peter sutcliffe wanted to know how to do that one !!!

you take time to explain things and thats the main reason you've got such a good rep on here, not just the fact that your blanks have been bang on technically (when they havent you've said so) and dirt cheap.

you must have spent a lot of time putting threads together with photo's that i personally have enjoyed reading, not many posters spend that much time and effort on starting threads, let alone the advice you've given.

"peter " has been honest from the start about the fact he's come here primarily to sell but, that line out the PM is just snidey, he must think this forums full of mugs, (it has its share obviously), he wont be getting any of my dollar thats for sure.

i think "peter" underestimated your fondness for the forum and its contributors ?, bet your glad you pointed him over here now eh ?


i think you've done the right thing by posting this Matt, i hate spending my money with greedy fookers. :thumbs:


i've been meaning to ask, did you sell that axe you made a while back?



Edited by jonah.
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Alright matt, i have never had any intention of making a knife but have read all your post's since i joined and enjoyed every one of them, found them really interesting, and so did a lot of other's. There have been a fair few lad's on here having ago at making knive's and because of what you have said and shown us, the knive's the lad's are making are brilliant, they have even surprised themselves they say.I think you should keep a few thing's to yourself, like the pattern's on some of them, because that is what make's a bit of difference and it's your own way of doing it. I have had a couple of knive's of you and have been happy with quality and price, the damascus i got of you, i have been offered more than i paid for it, but i love that knife, i think i could shave with it.I think if anyone come's on here just trying to make money and not giving something back, the lad's would be on them, and would not buy a thing, so i think there will be a new knife maker joining soon and being a bit more careful not to upset the local's, there's a good bunch of lad's on here and i think they all look out for each other, between the banter and piss taking, i think if anyone try's blagging them, that they won't last long, also i hope you are still going to drop in sometime's and still sell a few and show us what you have been upto, cheer's :cheers::thumbs:

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thanks guys i reckon you have seen it as i have , im probably a bit protective of what we have been doing here .

im really pleased you guys have taken me the right way and enjoyed what i have attempted to show you , like you say the quality of stuff from you guys is superb and not just with the knives everything on here from carving , sheath making , the stoves etc has all held my attention and inspired others to have a go .

im not going anywhere just not going to push all my products up everyones nose any more , im still going to do work in progress threads as most customer ask for that and im happy to document the making , it does take longer it is really hard to photo stuff as you go along , but it's really enjoyable to do it and i get a buzz at the end when its finnished (i forget what iv done throughout and can see where is should or could have done things differantly !)

we are not finnished yet , with everything i just plougfhed into this , the knives etc will have turned a corner and there will be alot more to see and learn . im hopeing to do a little gunsmithing to, as i have the machines now , an i want my own guns to have damascus on them and other custom parts .

all the best , and thanks for understanding , matt.

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  On 23/07/2012 at 10:06, lapin2008 said:

In all fairness I imagine that people coming on here uniquely to sell a £200-400 per knife commissions and do so in any great volume are going to be pretty disappointed.

were all cheap in here :whistling::D
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