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  On 24/07/2012 at 12:50, longdog man said:

he should have done time for not doing his stint in the army no but dosent mind flying to ireland for a few million euro says it all about the man.

Says what? I don't see the link between the 2 things?

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Saw him with the seeger sesions at the sheffeild arena brilliant concert and well worth the money always liked his music.Who in their right mind would have not tried to dodge the vietnam draft another war baised on lies and untruths from those who were to gain from it only for returning soldiers to be treat like shit and tried to be forgot about.

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  On 22/07/2012 at 21:27, TAXI DRIVER said:

Called for induction when he was 18, Springsteen failed his physical examination and did not serve in Vietnam. In an interview in Rolling Stone magazine in 1984, he said, "When I got on the bus to go take my physical, I thought one thing: I ain't goin'." He had suffered a concussion in a motorcycle accident when he was 17, and this together with his "crazy" behaviour at induction and not taking the tests, was enough to get him a 4F


Get your fact right before posting :thumbs:


Eh? If this is aimed at me...What facts do I need to get right?


I said he was drafted he attended and failed his medical


You said (or should I say Wikipidia says) he was Inducted (drafted), he attended and got a 4F (failed)


I couldn't give a flying f**k if he failed it on purpose what a complete and pointless war all those brave young men killed for USA's paronid fear of communism. How do you think he felt when his close friend and drummer from his 1st band was drafted the year before and KIA, see if it's on Wikipidia?


If you don't like his music fine not to everyone's taste, but the OP was about if anyone seen him tour

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