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.22! Assuming you can put the pellet where you want to that is :yes:


.22 equals BIGGER HOLE, slower speed, more kinetic energy transfere equalls fastter shutdown of the targets Central Nervous System.


.177 equals flatter trajectory (for those who can't be so precise or bothered on rangefinding etc). At normal ranges, the pellet is traveling faster, so if you miss a vital organ the pellet will go through with a smaller wound size (hole) the pellet will not impart so much kinetic energy into the CNS.

Thus the animal may run off and indeed may suffer a long,painful, inhumane death.

Having said that a .22 in the incorrect place will produce a similar effect :yes:


So in my own very humble opinion, if you cant place the lead where it's needed; it doesn't matter what gun or what calibre you choose, your still a crap shot and should not be hunting live quarry!


On the other hand; however; if you can put the lead where it is needed; then it matters not what caliber or type or make of gun you use, if your a good shooter, you will strive for and maintain a positive shot to kill ratio :yes:



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tony im just asking what would be the preferd gun to use, as im thinking of treating myself to another gun.



Well that depends on your very own personal preferance :yes:

My notification says that "your not a bad shot" so either would do :yes:

Best bet is to go to an RFD and shoulder both rifles and see which you feel suits you best,:yes: you may prefer one over the other due to weight distribution, length of pull (ease of shouldering) etc.

Just don't get hung up on the Calibre :no: I find myself that a heavier rifle in .22 is best for myself, with some brands.

How ever I have also shot certain rifles in .177 and they have 'fitted' me better than the same gun in .22 :hmm:


So ultimately it depends on the individual.

If I was to reccomend a .22 S200 for you, you may find that you are a great shot with it, but then you may try a .177 S200 and find that the slight difference in weight and balance may just the difference between you being a great shot and turning you into a fantastic shot :yes:



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As has been said above, neither gun's better than the other. The only one's that's best is the one that feels right in your shoulder :thumbs:


Try and handle or preferably shoot them both for yourself, then decide. It's down to you and no one else, both are first class.


Edit to add... As for caliber? It's like asking which side should a boiled egg be broken, blunt end or pointed :laugh: Everyone's got their own opinion and none of them are right :laugh::D;)

Edited by andyfr1968
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I've had both, and preferred the hw.

Either one is a good investment and will last a lifetimes shooting with excellent performance.

As has been said, it's a personal, subjective choice.

To answer the op's last question, hw97.

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