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bull x type terrier

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drive has level gameness has levels... by lack i meant the standard i want it to be.... u could set your standard so high that not may dogs can make it right.. than they would lack what you looking for.. but for someone else as long as they hunting every week then they dont lack drive.. true but not my point




heres an example



  On 21/07/2012 at 00:05, wirral countryman said:

C.S.there are more than you know of looking to bring the old standard back to the fore for working,the obvious "REMLAP" lines were always the earthdogs but there are many other lines now starting to produce steady dogs to dig to in the preservation of game,all terriers in my mind should be bred for work and nothing else,something the show people should consider when suggesting possible stud dogs for mating suitable bitches,temperament is also just as important when working around other dogs,steady improvement is my goal with each mating and I try to put as much work into my dogs as I can each day,my last litter of pups were easilly the best workers I've ever bred in 40 yrs so heres to my next generation of the "modern plummer",WM


now did his previous dogs 40 years back lack anything.. compared to his recent litter. no but this one is higher in standard. so now this one is his new standard anything under that is lacking.. is going back..

Edited by Saho-man
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they may lack looks or lack a bit of size etc but they should never lack determination or desire to get the job done if they have them two qualitys reguardless of what style they use to get job done t

why breed from a bitch for example that lacks a bit of drive and second putting a game staff over her aint going to fix what she lacks why not put the staff over a good bitch that dos nt lack anything

i thats a fair point but i never said my dogs where perfect gnasher i said they lack nothing in MY eyes thats why i keep them in my yard,once i can dig to my dogs and come down on top of it and its

not nessecarly he could of just had a high percentage of workers out of the one litter were as years ago he could of bred as good as dogs only that he may of only got one from each mating at end of day if you look at your dogs in the yard and you think they lack something then the harm has already been done previous if looking to breed and keep a high standard of dogs then you need to be totally honest with yourself no one else and keep sentiment out of it if they are nearly what your looking then dont make eception its still not up to the standard of what came before so its back and try again

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  On 21/07/2012 at 12:16, Saho-man said:

drive has level gameness has levels... by lack i meant the standard i want it to be.... u could set your standard so high that not may dogs can make it right.. than they would lack what you looking for.. but for someone else as long as they hunting every week then they dont lack drive.. true but not my point


Gameness does not have levels saho man,



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with all the new locators about these days -even a shit dog can look good-all the skill is gone-you can turn the b&f on and get a mark-give the dog five minutes to settle and drop down to them-get more than one dig aday even with hard dog-but like someone said are they as TESTED as they were 40yr back? i think not-how many of these bull xs and other terriers being bred today would stay a good 8/16 hrs in the ground if you couldnt get down to em straight away?not many unless it learnt to change its working style half way through a dig-seen some good dogs walk when the going gets tough and you cant get down quick enough-terriers WITH and WITHOUT BULL BLOOD.The problem today is peoples EGOS-MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE TRUE WORKING ABILITY OF THEIR DOGS-NO f****r BRAGS HOW SHITE THEIR DOGS ARE-DO THEY? TOO MAY DREAM SELLERS IN THE DOG GAME. ;) ATB BOBBY

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so there is no point in breeding to improve your stock. becouse if it needs improving it aint worth breeding off.. i hear what folk are saying. and agree with most of it. but have to state the obvious.








not only single animals can be improved. but lines/strains. even breeds can be impoved on. if not why bother at all.? ineresting topic :thumbs:

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No amount of technoligy will make a bad dog look good,if they are not going to stay well a locater wont make them stay no matter how quick you get down to them,every dig is not going to be a 20min job so eventually the dog will get tested on a bigger dig and if it aint in him it will walk,no one even with todays technoligy can make a terrier stay till dug.As for breeding to improve well thats what we all strive for but we dont breed of stuff that is not 100% a reliable terrier already.What we do is put the best to the best and hope to get as good if not better than what we have already.

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  On 20/07/2012 at 21:44, dublin dezzy said:
  On 20/07/2012 at 21:41, Saho-man said:

"bitch that doesnt lack anything "


.is it possible, to have a dog or bitch that doesnt lack anything.

bit of a silly question Soho,every bitch in my yard lack nothing in my eyes thats why i keep them in my yard :thumbs:


Not to be rude.......but you sound kennel blind !

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what are you wanting to improve? bone, muscle,head or gameness? and when ya say your bitch gets the game on the bank is it 1 hole dropped or are ya having to dig multiple holes? instead of a staff y not try a proven terrir dog that ya seen working? it costs as much to feed a bad terrier as it does a gooden.

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If you are wanting to put size into a strain. Would you go to a straight bull, or a terrier that has a bull appearance about it?

Personally id rather consider the terrier if it is one that has been dug to a fair few seasons and from stuff that have done their share of work.

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  On 24/07/2012 at 20:51, gnasher16 said:
  On 20/07/2012 at 21:44, dublin dezzy said:
  On 20/07/2012 at 21:41, Saho-man said:

"bitch that doesnt lack anything "


.is it possible, to have a dog or bitch that doesnt lack anything.

bit of a silly question Soho,every bitch in my yard lack nothing in my eyes thats why i keep them in my yard :thumbs:


Not to be rude.......but you sound kennel blind !

i think its all about standards gnasher,everyman has his own standards.i would not keep a dog that is not doing it,plain and simples,dog dosnt work why would anyone?and i had my fair share of dirt aswell.i am not the only person to dig to mine either and if they where not up to standard they wouldnt be shy in telling you that.

But i wouldnt call some one Kennel blind without seeing his dogs work :thumbs:

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  On 24/07/2012 at 21:55, dublin dezzy said:

i think its all about standards gnasher,everyman has his own standards.i would not keep a dog that is not doing it,plain and simples,dog dosnt work why would anyone?and i had my fair share of dirt aswell.i am not the only person to dig to mine either and if they where not up to standard they wouldnt be shy in telling you that.

But i wouldnt call some one Kennel blind without seeing his dogs work :thumbs:


With respect ive never seen a perfect dog.....ive seen some damn fine ones..............but ive never met a man who didnt want something more from his dogs or strain.....so to say your dogs lack nothing i find hard to believe.....but hey if they do what you want them to do then great,but normally even those of us that are perfectly happy with our dogs always wish for a little more in some department.......its just the nature of improvement and we all want it.

Edited by gnasher16
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