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Making your own purse nets

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Hi I'm thinking about making my own purse nets while I wait for my young ferrets to get old enough to take out. Going to be a year off yet :-(


Can anyone recommend a easy way to start?


Been looking at this on flea bay to get me started. What are people thoughts?






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Dont matter where you buy your kit but i wouldn't use good twine while your learning and see if theres somebody beside you that will teach you its far easier than trying to follow a book or dvd and you can ask any questions that come up mate

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yep mistakes will be made but you soon get the hang of it bud, i started with a kit a bit like that but without instuctions then just the vids that are above. i can pretty much do it with my eyes closed now, and it is strangely addictive once you start you dont want to stop!

atb ant

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After you have been doing it for a while it does get easier .last month i showed a left handed guy how to knit and i found that really hard but we got there .and now hes showed his mates making nets isn't hard stick with it

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