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Depends what it's for bud, if it's a violent offence or you served time then no but if it's something daft then you could be ok. I got caught with pot on a number of occasions when I was a kid and recived cautions then got caught with a lock knife and got done in court, this was all between 8 & 13 years ago and I got mine no Probs FEO just said "I take it you've stoped with the wacky bacci" I said yes and 2 days later my licence arrived ;) just be honest with them mate coz they already no what you've done and really just wanna test your honesty.

Atb mate


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i know people who have done time and still got a fac :thumbs: all depends on when and what for, obviously if you held up tesco`s with a sawn off then probably not worth bothering however anything thats not violence related your in with a shout, just ensure you tell the truth on the application and see what they say, if they say no you get your money back anyway.

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Agree with "the one" There's one guaranteed way to fnork up your chances, and that's to lie, or try to hide anything. They WILL find out, and if you've tried to hold anything back they will bung your application straight in the bin. They might do that anyway, but you don't stand any chance if they think you have lied!


A lot depends on the types of crime, and how severe they were, and how long ago they occurred. Anything involving firearms abuse it's unlikely to be good news. If it's for fighting/violent crime then they will not look favourably on it. Get the forms in and you'll find out!

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you can still get licences even if youve served time ,and with violent offences just depending what if youve been banged up for anything more than 3 years its a NO! be totally honest when applying even writing a covering letter!

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