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hi everyone been a while since ive posted on here but im just after a bit of advise, struggling with keeping condition in my lurchers and my retired greyhound. theyve been on rufus working dog complete for last 4 months and ive noticed a massive changed in there condition so i got recommended redmills treacker by a freind and ive seen his dog and looks in good condition, now ive been reading on here that redmills is a load of shit. so... i like my dogs looking there best so would i be better off fedding them 100% raw meat? theres a local company that sells raw meat for dogs chicken, beef, tripe at around 35p a lb so not to expensive. My terrier seems fine and is in good condition its mainly my collie bull grey that seems to have a shit coat and dry skin. is it ok to feed 100% raw? please help lol thanks

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its very hard to beat a good well balanced barf diet, yes it takes more time and effort than just picking up a bag of complete and chucking it in a bowl,but the difference it makes to the overall condition of the dogs is more than worth that extra bit of time and effort :thumbs:

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well picked up a load of chicken mince today £10 worth at 35p a lb. shall i mix it with the red mills? or give it on its own?? they get fed twice a day and once a day if there out that night. thanks

Edited by shaun1986
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my pup was on just dry food, she never thrived on it, just survived. she was too skinny for me, but the meat along with good excercise has put her in very good condition. i think its good for them to have a meal as well, not picking from a bowl now and then. and crunching bones, etc is stimulatiing and gets them working and less bored.

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well picked up a load of chicken mince today £10 worth at 35p a lb. shall i mix it with the red mills? or give it on its own?? they get fed twice a day and once a day if there out that night. thanks

i would nt mix it just plend up a bit of veg mix it with the chicken and 5ml of oil the coat will be gleeming in no time but make sure you give them a good worming out as no matter what you do if the dog is wormie it wont look its best



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