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Gunsmith Needed!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Getting my E-Zee Pull at the end of the month mate. When I get my pension :)


Getting it from Here, because the original site didn't even answer my enquiry about Pay Pal :angry: Then I tried an American dealership and those b*stards wanted something like $20 for the thing itself and $26 to send it over!!! :icon_eek::censored:


So I figured out that's how the brit firm gets to rip us off so hard too; It's a take it or leave it situation.


Still, I know from experiance that the pain of the paying will soon be forgotten. Then I should have a rifle I can work with :yes:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Funny; The moment I saw ye'd posted on this thread again, Frank, I thought to myself; " Yeah. I know. Ye want to see pictures of dead foxes :rolleyes: :


Wasn't wrong, was I?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ditch_Shitter

Ye want an update? Ok. I'll give ye an update:


The 'Trigger Thingy' is paid for and in the post to me as I speak. Paying for that, along with some other 'essentials' at the start of this month has left me pennyless. Flat broke. I'm far from certain I can afford food for the rest of the month. But, hey ho, I'll have my 'Trigger Thingy'.


Know what'll happen then? I'll put some rounds though it and will asscertain that the 'Ding' in my moderators muzzle is also contributing majorly to my suddenly new found inability to hit a barn door at fifty yards.


So then I'll e mail Finland. If they break the seemingly cardinal rule of gunny people, in my experiance thus far, and actually f*cking respond to my enquirey about a new, threaded disc of metal with a hole in it? Guess how much money they're bound to want for it?


But I Have no money. Because all I've done to Get money has turned to sand. I now have Two 'friends' to whom I've sold collectively hundreds and hundreds of pounds worth of my posessions. One has paid me some, then suddenly dropped off my radar for the last month or so. The other? He's been sending me promises, excuses and yet more promises ..... Oh! But here's Another excuse! For Months.


So, sorry lads. Unless any of you would like to buy the debts I'm owed? I really can't see anything much happening with that beleaguered f*cking rifle for even the foreseeable future. Ok?


Update completed.


Over and out.

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Guest Macnas

Lets be fair now, Ditch is in a position that we've all found/find ourselves in at one time or another. That is we know what has to be done, but we don't have the wherewithall to do it just yet.


Myself, I've a lot of things to do, must get the rifle threaded for a moderator, must send the barrels and action of the shotgun to birmingham for rejointing, etc etc,


Time is one part of the equation, expense is another. I can't get everything done in as short a time as possible so I have to wait until things work out.


Ditch is, perhaps, a victim of his own popularity. He has a talent for grabbing your attention, and his ability with words make even the most mundane of matters interesting reading. So his rifle reports are all the more interesting for that.


In any case, I think I can safely say that when its time to update us, Ditch will, and to the full.

Worth the wait I reckon.

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