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Gunsmith Needed!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:no: No F*cking Way can I live with the trigger on my New England Firearms 'Handy Rifle' .22 Hornet. I've just been talking to Dave, my Gun Dealer and he tells me the industry standard is that the trigger of a gun should pull " Like snapping an icicle. " No messing. No dragging. Just apply a certain, gentle pressure and Snap! Gun fires. Well, this b*stard's like trying to draw a three inch nail out of timber by a Ring Pull! It needs loosening or I'll never be able to shoot shit with it.


Here's the snag; Dave also informs me that the NEF is a bog basic little centrefire. Every expense spared! They created a gun that 'worked'. And stopped right there. Refined as a lump of rock. Fine, so far. I could kill a fox with a lump of rock too. Only sending it a high velocity round is to be preffered. Which I would, of course; If only I could get that f*cking trigger down within the first sixty seconds of wishing it would go down! I'll end up with arthritis at this rate! :icon_eek:


Best of all though? Being a single shot, hammer action centrefire and as basic as it is ~ Dave told me this. I can't personally imagine the connections, but ~ he reckons they're an absolute Bitch to meddle with. So much so that he's a bit at a loss to find a Gunsmith in Eire willing or able to mess with one. Reckons ye pull one pin out and that's all she wrote :unsure:


Bottom line? I find britains finest, with some experiance of such mechanisms, obviously, to sort it out for me. A " Trigger Kit " being quite acceptable to my mind. Or else it's back to the Gardai with me and Dave's with my otherwise perfectly likeable rifle. I'll simply Have To chop it in and up grade to something else, the trigger of which I can bloody well do something with!


Err ..... Help?! :icon_eek:

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Guest Macnas

Well, try Fabian Connolly for a start, as Frank said he's a riflesmith and he's in your neck of the woods. His contact details are at www.fabgun.com.


There is a german fellow in Clare (I think) who specialises in rifles as well, haven't got his contact details but I'll look them up this evening.


There is info on the web, including this very handy article on how to lighten the trigger on your rifle in particular http://www.perkloafm.com/Handi_instr_twob.pdf


If the worst comes to the worst and you look for a different rifle, it's not a big deal. The dealer will give you a form which he will fill out, bring it to the coppers and they'll change your firearms cert all but straight away. Then you are free to take the new rifle away with you.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: OMFG! I just sat and read every word of that PDF. Eyes bulging and breath caught for all of the thirteen pages of it! F*ck Me! Dave was spot on then; It's a Nightmare inside there!


I notice also that that guy handled a NEF with a trigger pull of six pounds?! That'll be my one then! :cry:


Ok. More breath holding time. I've just shot Fabian Connolly a note. Asked him straight if He reckons it can be done ~ or if it'd make better economics to chuck the thing and simply buy a 'better' rifle. We await!


Frankly, I don't like jacking. I'd be so much happier to feel I'd taken on this great little gun and got it sorted. So I could leave behind or pass on a quality little tool. If it can be done, I'd like to get it done. I'm prepared to shell out 'silly' money to accomplish this and save my little gun. But, having read what they have to do, just How silly could the price of such hideously pains taking work get?!


I'll keep ye posted!



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Guest baldie

Its an american gun, Ditch, they ALL come out of the states with a pull of around 6lb,s upwards, for legal liability reasons.

Its a straightforward, hammer, sear design, and without seeing, i will confidently say, i could improve it, by stripping and stoning it. If you would like to take the stock off, or whatever is covering the mechanism , and post a pic of it, we can maybe get somewhere.


Yep, just been on their site, and downloaded the owners manual, and parts list. The trigger is indeed complicated, but looks as though [from the diagram] that the bearing surfaces could be stoned/polished, and possibly fitted with weaker springs. Your call ditch. Unfortunatly, carriage to england will be expensive, and it would have to go via a dealer.

Personally ? i would trade it for a cz.


Having just read through mcnas,s excellent link, yes i could do the job, but that is a MAJOR trigger job, and wouldn,t be cheap, and to be honest, is it worth it?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

But I don't want a CZ, lads! I want this little gun I have here :cry:


Anyway, are not CZ's bolt actions? I like my breech opener. I like it's single shot capacity. I like the fact that it's my first 'real' rifle and it helped me nail that f*cking crow.


Now, here's the latest craic; Fabian Connelly. Seemingly a bit of a Legend? Well, Dave - my Gun Dealer - put me onto a bloke who knows Fanian well. This guy gave me Fabians number. Said the guy's been " A bit distracted from work " just of late (No. I haven't got a clue what that meant either!) but that he's actually in Leitrim right now.


Well, I initially e mailed Fabian, forty eight hours ago. Now I've left a shout on his voice mail, twenty four ago. So far? Nothing.


Well, obviously, this can't just go on for ever. Something has to give. I've got the bloody rifle because I need one. And I'm sitting here needing one and unable to do much with the one I have. My life's wasting away here. How long can I spare of that life? That's the $40,000 question!


The money's 'Not a problem' ~ in as much as that I'm presently owed and am being promised 100's from differant and perfectly credible sources. They pay me. I pay for the work. I'm not arguing about how much Anyone would want for doing that incredibly devious work. I look on it as equel to the best Taxidermy; F*cking Skilled! :icon_eek: Shit like that would cost money!


But take the gun to pieces and send bits across to el Bald One? Through Dave? Now we're talking a sack load More money and time too ..... Check back to my initial thread, about even applying for my chit. I've waited a good six months to get my hands on a rifle! All told, it's cost me a bloody fortune as it is. I Need to get out there and earn some spare change back with it! And it's just not f*cking happening. One bloody hold up after another :(


Ok. I'm banging on here because I'm trying to Think. So, I hold out for Fabian. Run the whole piece straight out to him. But when might he ever - If ever! - get back to me? FFS!


:no: Let's pass some more 'lost' time, lads. Tell me about CZ's :cry:

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Guest Frank

Ditch, patients mate, things take a while over here in rainy Ireland :yes::D

Im sure Fabian will get back to you as soon as possible. ;)


He is good and will sort you out, far more practical and cheaper then sending over the water. :icon_eek::D


Now, if your looking for a CZ 527, then that would be a far better rifle, all up to you. :)



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Guest baldie

Chop it for a CZ Ditch, trust me, you will appreciate the magazine, and quick bolt action, very quickly. Single shots, are slow to reload, in a hurry. The cz 527 has a set trigger, which means the std pull is usually around 3 to four pounds, but can be easily adjusted lower, and the set [done by pushing the blade forward] is around 8 ounces, and is superb. Failing that, rifle basix have just brought out a replacement unit for the gun, and its superb, but the std trigger is a real good unit, with all 3 adjustments. Weight of pull, sear engagement, and over travel.

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Guest Frank

Ditch, all you have to do, is go to your gun shop, choose your CZ Hornet, you can get second hand if you want, but, better new ;) . get the details of the gun, let the person in the gun shop right out whats needed for the garda, take slip of paper to the garda station, tell garda you want an amendment on your cert, he or she, should do it their and then, sighn it, stamp it.

Then, go back to gun shop and hand in that inaccurate iron bar and get that CZ, which you badly need. :yes::D


All in a mornings work. :victory:


Do make sure though, you ring in and get the officer who deals with the FA applications in and make an apoitment with him/her, telling them what you need ect.


Go for it Ditch, dont delay, lifes too short, and their is loads of foxes about. ;)


Here is mine below :D



Edited by Frank
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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Oy, oy! Saw ye'd made it in the other day, mate. I was going to ring ye or mail ye. But I figured ye'd see for yeself in ye own good time.


Yeppers. Rang Dave for three nights now. Phone off. Got him tonight and he was shooting and said he'd call me back. Last I heard from him :rolleyes: Anyway, I did manage to ask could he get me a CZ and he said he could. So here we go again.


Funny thing is, it occurred to me; When I started looking for a rifle, I was after a CZ anyway. I took the NEF because it was available and cheaper than the Sako I'd been offered elsewhere. I'm not so much objecting to a CZ, see? It's just giving up on my NEF that rankles me. I don't like backing down on my decided courses of action. Though, I suppose, settling for the NEF was a climb down on the CZ? Oh, what the hell. I'll get a CZ and get over it.


Have to wait till someone pays me now though mate. My washing machine arrived today and, having paid for it, I'm seriously skint again! :icon_eek:

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