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like i said rake were not all in to shooting on a full time basis its just a bit of fun with the gun long as you respect your quarry whats wrong with a little time away from your main sport to do a little something else cheers DM

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These little guns have been tinkered and altered and are capable of knocking out about 11 fpe, of course not in the middle of winter! So as long as you are summer shooting it will be fine! Woodfield GCP are one of the main suppliers of XS78 tuning bits and pieces!

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Link to his SMK XS78 page...




Apparently fitting one of his seal kits will improve the performance, if you follow the video on the link and join the UK Chinese Airgun Forum you also get a discount! Hows that for some useful free info? There is a strip down guide on there explaining how to dismantle it, polish de-bur and polish the parts and reassemble, so for £18 or so (inc postage) you can do it yourself!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Not that its applicable here in the UK but in the USA they can get 18FPE out of them Not a lot of shots though! 11FPE plus is easily obtained with a small amount of machining plus you dont need to fit stronger hammer springs, Its basicly a copy of the Crossman, like any Air or CO2 charged rifle more power equates to less shots per fill. :yes:


Footnote, most of these rifles I have repaired have found to be strangled with the transfer port seal which is far too soft and obstructs gas flow I allways fit a harder UK made seal which just by doing that improves the power.

Edited by Tron
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Not that its applicable here in the UK but in the USA they can get 18FPE out of them Not a lot of shots though! 11FPE plus is easily obtained with a small amount of machining plus you dont need to fit stronger hammer springs, Its basicly a copy of the Crossman, like any Air or CO2 charged rifle more power equates to less shots per fill. :yes:


Footnote, most of these rifles I have repaired have found to be strangled with the transfer port seal which is far too soft and obstructs gas flow I allways fit a harder UK made seal which just by doing that improves the power.


I put a different seal on the Ratty xfer port (without modifying the port) and the increase immediately took it up a couple of ft/lbs.


I've used the SMK co2's and they have been fine in my hands.

As for power I have used my HW40 pistol (less than 3ft/lbs) on rats out to 15 yards and a sub 5ft/lbs springer to kill rats at twice that range. Anywhere in the head or even the front third of the body and its not going to live more than a second or two.



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A bit more info for DIY members who like working on their CO2 rifles/pistols Remember dont replace existing O rings with normal over the counter ones, to do so causes all kinds of problems because liquid CO2 causes ordinary rubber to swell many times its origial size, causing seizure of any moving part with O ring sealing, The 78 range of rifles seem to use Urethane Transfer port seals which are clear when new but turn yellow when aging, Other CO2 safe O rings are Buna-N and Nitrile composition. :yes:

Edited by Tron
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