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Microchip has migrated...

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When I had my dogs done the vet said the chips move it's normal , but should still be found if scanned :thumbs:

Don't be listening to vets!Don't get me wrong any ID is better than none but microchips always end up in the front legs & they won't scan there if the dog got lost! Better option is the NDTR (National Dog Tattoo Register),its a visible ID in the ear that can't be removed like a chip unless you cut the dogs ear off & lets be fair whats the value of a dog with one ear to a dog thief?.You don't need a scanner just ring the register they'll match the dog to the owner.Old ways are the best IMHO 'if it an't broke don't fix it'.

Look it up on the website & it will tell you where your local tattooist is mate. Failing that ring 01255552455 & ask for GIllian. Hope this helps. :victory:

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one of my dogs chipp has gone to his chest it still works pal don't worry about it i had mine checked fearing it wouldn't work right if they scan ya dog just tell them to scan all the boddy not just the shoulder blades :thumbs:


Shouldnt be any need to tell em though pal, but fair point, had my vet check for the chip, they said there wasnt a chip to be found, funny that as they did the chip, took scanner off them, wiped the screen, and theer it was right shoulder

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wouldnt worry about it , we found a husky and rang the dog warden who scanned all over the dog looking for the chip, simples they know the chips move so there going to check all over for one

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My Salukis chip has moved a good distance from the implantation site and is now palpable in the side of her neck, just in front of the shoulder bone. It reads fine, had my vet check, and seems to have now become encapsulated as it hasn't moved any further after the first few weeks, so it should be ok, but I'd monitor it's progress incase it migrates deeper.



Edited by GypsyJoe
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