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Took the HW100kt out again..

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Alright lads!


Just thought I'd put a little write up about my day out yesterday.

I got to my permission at about 12:30, as usual there where rabbits everywhere! on the way down to the house I must have counted 30-40 easy.

I pulled up, got all the gear out and went straight out to get set up. I had a small 2 man tent with me that was one of those pop up ones as the weather was looking a little bleak to say the least! I got to where i wanted to have the tent then used my range finder to put me 35 yards in front of the hedge line, I then tossed the tent out, pegged it down and put all my gear in side, I layed in the tent and just got settled in and waited for the first unsuspecting bunny to present a shot. It wasn't to long before it did and without hesitation I squeezed the trigger and put the pellet exactly where I'd intended to.

I didn't go and pick it up as the grass was quite long I left it, I didnt want to scare any others away as I went to retrieve it. I shot 9-10 laying there before I decided to go and get them and have a bit of a wonder around the fields.

I must have walked around for an hour and a half and hadn't shot 1 rabbit as they all seemed abit jumpy, every time I got within 50-60 yards they where doing the off :( I did manage to bag a magpie from 30 yards at the top of an old oak tree though. I decided I was better off camped up in the tent so headed back up from the fields to get in to position for another waiting game. This time I decided to put on my JVC HD evario scope cam and see how the kit all worked together as I haven't used it on my new rifle or scope yet. Once it was all set up and I had taken a few shots at some leaves to check the zero at the distance I would be shooting, I was happy to sit and wait for some rabbits. It was probably about 15 minutes and the first rabbit came out of the hedge for its last meal. I shot about 4-5 rabbits on camera and 1 pigeon before the battery died! :( the shot on the bird was a cracking shot if I do say so myself! Opposite the tent in the hedge line was a big dead tree that I hadn't really noticed or taken any interest in, but as I was laying there a nice sized woody swooped in landing facing me head on and just seemed to get comfy perched up on the branch so I flipped the side screen open on the camera got it focused, hit record and got it lined up. I had to make adjustments of 1mil dot hold under due to the distance and didn't have to make any for the wind as it had calmed right down. I took it with a clean head shot and the bird slumped to the floor.

It was now about 8 o'clock and it had started to rain and the rabbits where not really coming out as much so I had decided to shut the front of the tent and have a cup of tea and a fag until the rain had stopped ! Main reason being I don't like getting my gun wet lol ;) I'd been sitting in the tent for about an hour an a half waiting for the rain to stop. When it finaly stoped it was dark which was a good thing as I had my new nite-site with me and I have been itching to try it out. I'm still waiting for the recording unit so I will be able to record what the nite-site sees soon.:) I had it all set up and ready to go I just had to sort the parollax adjustment out so it was set to 35yards and I was away! Just laying in the dark scanning the area for eyes.

I waited about 20 minutes and the first eye glissened from the base of the hedge, I just waited watching on the screen as the rabbit moved out about 6-7yards and had settled down to feed... I made a squeek and the rabbit lifted its head and gave me the opertunity for the shot. I took the rabbit with a clinicle headshot just rolling it over without even a kick. I left it where it was again so I didn't scare any others away and within 5 minutes there was another one but this time it was out at about 47 yards so I adjusted the parollax again and got the image as sharp as possible and then lined up the crosshairs and took that one aswell, again a very clean shot The rabbit rolled over without a fuss!

After that I didn't see any more rabbit but I did see 3 foxes at the other end of the field and they seemed to be lurking around looking all suspicious. I just watched for a minute and then turned of the nite-site and decided to pack up my gear.

All in all I shot 25 rabbits,a magpie and a pigeon. My new pb!

At the end of the night it was to dark to take a pic with all of the quarry but here is me with 23 of them :)






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Very impressive Jamie, great shooting. Can't believe you have that many rabbits on your permission! What are you going to do with them all?



I normally give some to the land owners neighbour, sell some to the butchers in my local village and the rest my dog eats :)



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top shooting mate!! how many shots do you get out of your rifle? did u take a pump/bottle with you?

thanks :thumbs:

I normaly take my tank with me in case of emergencey but the rifle has a shot count of about 55-60 accurate shots before it starts to drop off and that's normaly enough for a hunting trip.



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I do eat some on the odd ocasion, in a pie or roasted is mainly how I've eaten it. But I saw a link you posted about rabbit burgers in the past and that got the juices flowing but I have not had the time to get busy in the kitchen.



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