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its all well having all that speed but its all about controlling it, that puts the game in the bag



your right of course...but its an intresting topic :hmm:

iv got a grew both parents are from the raceing world....feck me shes fast but still can do the job ;)

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Interesting reading, but do lurchers run to their potential when chasing quarry, or do they just do enough to keep within strike range.


For instance when coursing a hare a lurcher will run its guts out to keep up with it, so can a lurcher be smart enough to know the difference between hare and bunny, when to push the peddle and when to cruse for the bunny. Or are they just so hyped up they let their instincts take over.

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Interesting reading, but do lurchers run to their potential when chasing quarry, or do they just do enough to keep within strike range.


For instance when coursing a hare a lurcher will run its guts out to keep up with it, so can a lurcher be smart enough to know the difference between hare and bunny, when to push the peddle and when to cruse for the bunny. Or are they just so hyped up they let their instincts take over.



i can only say for mine but she learnt very early the diffrence

hare/flat out untill shes up to it then settle in behind and start to turn it and force mistakes

rabbit/keep it away from the hedge untill shes got a good strike on it

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a good hare dog will sit be hind a hare an wait for the right moment

to strike a dog that just keeps running fullpelt wont catch as many

the best dog i had wouldent even sit behind it it would sit to the side

of the hare waiting on it cutting a cross her.the dogs got to have the hare guessing

what its going to do next as a preditable dog wont catch many hares and its

the one thing that you cant guarantee in breeding ;)

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a bunny will run flat out no matter what if being chased a hare is different it will somtimes run at half speed using its turning ablity to out wit its pursuer then once the dog or what ever is behind it losers a bit of ground that is usally when the hare hits top gear they always try to conserve energy while being chased they have superb stamina ......a hare always knows where its going eithier to a pipe or cover trees bushers you name it ....thats why you have to admire a good hare dog they will watch the hare try and stop it getting to cover and will sit behind the hare or go to the side of the hare to block it getting to cover running at the hares speed and strike when the oppotunity arises some go for the stike earlier in the chase that is the kind of dog i like and some will sit behind a hare for longer trying to wear the hare down a bit before striking .....a good hare dog antisapates a hares next move ....imo...somone on here will be able to explain it better but that is about the gist of it .... ;)

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Had my dog on the beach, done 300 yards in 15-16 seconds ;)



:laugh: Yeah i'm sure it did :hmm::laugh::laugh:

there a greyhound track in my town and they

yoused to run a 264yards race and any thing

that could break 15 seconds was open class

so i think your stop watch is a bit out ;)

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For a bit of fun at last years Heart of Wales game fair we time raced the fastest lurcher of the day a whippet grey against my son on his goes like shit of a brick honda racing quad the course was approx 100 yards going up a hill perfectly mown and picked by yours trully.

The Lurcher owned by nick devraux from Hereford done it in 6.4 seconds :victory:

the quad 7.2 :(

It is a bit more serious this year sponsors have stumped up £100 for the fastest lurcher and it has to time race the winner of a rally car racing quad and scrambler

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