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b*****d Blackthorn!

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Meg’ went lame on me an hour or so after getting home from a good run on Monday and her foot swelled up pretty bad…




Because she was behaving perfectly normal at the end of the run, travelling home and when she arrived home I reckoned it was a fair bet that she’d been stung or picked up a thorn. Anyway, off to the vets as she was due her booster’s, get two things done for the price of one… My ‘running dog’ vet was on his hol’s so we saw his colleague. I explained the problem and advised her that she doesn’t like her feet touched at the best of times, “can we use a muzzle†I asked as I didn’t want the vet getting whacked… Feck me!...Meg’s weighing in at 48 lb of muscle and she’s bloody sharp, as you’ve all seen in the catching pic’s, she was having none of it!... Vet examined her from a distance and decided on a jab to bring the swelling down…..I had to put the poor girl in an arm-lock round her neck… Strange, she didn’t want to do the booster as well!...I talked her into it though!...


Back home Meg’ let me have a better inspection and there it was plain as you like!...Little black dot between the pads, I gave it a little pick with my nail.. she went through the roof poor girl!.. .Gotta get this sorted I muttered to my self, I’ll go see my mate at the kennels he’s used to dogs … In the ensuing struggle, six nil to Meg’… we failed to get a muzzle on her but did notice some blood!... .A quick check proved our wounds were not bleeding… . all that thrashing about worked the thorn out leaving a neat little whole. Picked up some AB’s and anti-inflammatory’s this morning to continue her treatment, her foot is a bloody & pussy mess… .but the swelling is going down!




If you’ve never been infected by blackthorn it will be difficult for you to imagine the pain she must be in…One thing’s for sure, dog’s don’t whine/whinge like us humans

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Blackthorn is a nasty fecking thing...

It nearly always goes 'bad on ya',..

Used to ferret chalk downs exclusively and spent years crawling under blackthorn bushes, setting nets, diving for rabbits,.etc,...and I know full well how bad a thorn hurts...and it gets worse and worse until it finally comes out,..and then,.it hurts ya some more...Awful stuff... :no::no:

Poor Meg...Plenty of warm salty water,.a gentle massage of the area to keep the swelling down ( make sure you have a clear escape exit worked out though) :laugh::laugh: She will be ok...


All the best,..CHALKWARREN.... :drink::drink::drink:

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Guest Lurcherbitch

That does look sore. Hope she is feeling better soon. She is looking very fit, not suprised it took some to hold her :laugh: .


I dont know much about Blackthorn, so I googled it..... obviously it does'nt say anything about the affects if you get pricked. Any more info on it would be great. IE how do you know what it is when dog goes lame??.

I know some will think me stupid, but I would rather ask and make sure I learn what it is, so if one of my mutts get it.xx

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That does look sore. Hope she is feeling better soon. She is looking very fit, not suprised it took some to hold her :laugh: .


I dont know much about Blackthorn, so I googled it..... obviously it does'nt say anything about the affects if you get pricked. Any more info on it would be great. IE how do you know what it is when dog goes lame??.

I know some will think me stupid, but I would rather ask and make sure I learn what it is, so if one of my mutts get it.xx

Blackthorn, same tree/hedge where you pick your sloe berries for gin! The berries have a blue haze covering them, some kind of yeast/fungus, the same stuff is all over the prickly growth and when you get pricked the tip usually breaks off. Therefore, when you get spiked that stuff goes under the skin and stays there with a small piece of the spike causing infection and pain…If you’re really unlucky you can develop septasimia!



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Does anyone use Animalintex on thorns and infections? I used to use it on the horses and when i got stung, its really good stuff. Dont know if you can use it on dogs, but i cant see why not. I would be interested to know if anyone does use it.

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We've got blackthorn everywhere down here,had a thorn go in the centre of the palm of my hand when out ferreting,but just pulled out what I could see and rubbed it a bit.It hurt like feck for about two weeks,and then went off,but,a week later it went septic and burst,and,out came the tip section of the thorn......OW!

And it is the powder on the thorn that makes it go nasty that's for sure. :cry: She will be ok though,and running around again soon.

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And it is the powder on the thorn that makes it go nasty that's for sure. :cry:


Last night run of the season, and the dogs and I had a wailing and whinging challange on the drive back from our various blackthorn marks - hopefully no tips left in that I could see, so lots of warm water and salt, bit of green oil to keep it clean and dissuade too much licking, and much the smae for the dogs :D


Didn't know it was the grey powdery bloom on the thorns that did the damage - have never stopped to think what might be the cause (normally too busy jumping aroudn like ten men muttering "oooh, you b*****d"!)


For the sad and the spotterish among you, though, I can point out that blackthorn was a sacred plant under many folklore / withchraft traditions, and is still used for the pace-sticks for at three regiments in teh army, all of which have Irish connections ...


Now there's an unpleasant thought - a savage Sergeant Major with a venemous stick :D

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