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Pure Greyhounds

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Iam with CP on this one, greyhound is there mainly for the speed, other breeds are added to suite the ground and quarry.   The main problem with greyhounds and heavily saturated greyhound crosses is

Good post born to run1083 the correct blood is very very important regardless if it comes from the greyhound,collie,bull etc etc.   A greyhound could be a champion on the track but will that always

You are missing my point..... courage, bull or beddy will give you that! Desire to chase, any sight hound will give you that ! Biddability, your'e having a laugh ! Athletiicism, any well conditioned d

If you've got some seriously rough terrain to run then i'd forget it.....poor bugger would be in the kennel more than in the field.... :thumbs:

Not entirely true,ive owned a couple,many years ago,the ground they adapted to,one of them was a lethal fox slayer the other ran circles and screamed at em,deadly on the 1st,sometimes 2nd hare that they ran.The biggest drawback was their lack of wind,overtax them and it was a long slog home with a dog on the shoulders.

Not saying it cant be done mate but the injury worries would be a massive factor in running game night in night out. :thumbs:

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Guest bezza

Greyhounds often get a bad press because of alleged lack of stamina and stupidity. I too have seen ex -rcers run straight at pig netting and sustain horrific injuries. However we are not comparing like with like. Most greyhounds never get any socialisation and the runs they get consist of being stuck in a trap and then released. If they are brought up like a lurcher and encounter obstacles and are socialised properly they are a completely different ------ biddable,and as intelligent as any other sighthound/lurcher. As for stamina, this is not a priority in racing greyhounds so their bodies are not trained for marahon sessions. A greyhound which is regularly lamped soon builds stamina into its makeup. Of course some are prone to injury, but no more than say a committed whippet.I'm speaking from experience of having run a small greyhounfd bitch which i had from a pup and which I ran for ten years.She took the full range of gear when it was legal. Quite often sticking,collie or saluki into lurchers introduces negative attributes into a lurcher's makeup. Keep it real I say.

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people that breed lurchers too often overlook the grey side because any grey will add speed but there is some that are able to offer a lot more


What more can a Greyhound add to a Lurcher line other than Speed ? Don't get me wrong, I like at least 50% Greyhound in my Lurchers, but I can't see what else they add apart from speed.I think they are the only base breed to add this in the amount needed. Yes Whippets can add speed, but not as much. Salukis add stamina and all the other breeds add their bit; nose, coat, feet, etc. But for the life of me I can't see what else a Greyhound adds !


Cheers.heart and unbeileivable will to get to whatever their chasing .

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Would imagine a pure grey would go out to wide on turns on hares or rabbits as they build up to much speed


Floyd bring your 10 out 10 catch rate dog over this season and I'll give you a friendly match with a working greyhound :thumbs:

not a problem mate but [bANNED TEXT] ur dog jacks true lack of stamina we,l sit back and watch mine run all night
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Would imagine a pure grey would go out to wide on turns on hares or rabbits as they build up to much speed


Floyd bring your 10 out 10 catch rate dog over this season and I'll give you a friendly match with a working greyhound :thumbs:

think he and many other just look at ex track dogs and think every pup will be the same! not saying ex tracks can't work but i'd say better off getting it as a pup

to be honest i look at greyhounds as track dogs.dont get me rong ii like adding the breed to my lurchers to ad speed.but all there up for is 2or3 turns of a hare and there blown out.
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people that breed lurchers too often overlook the grey side because any grey will add speed but there is some that are able to offer a lot more


What more can a Greyhound add to a Lurcher line other than Speed ? Don't get me wrong, I like at least 50% Greyhound in my Lurchers, but I can't see what else they add apart from speed.I think they are the only base breed to add this in the amount needed. Yes Whippets can add speed, but not as much. Salukis add stamina and all the other breeds add their bit; nose, coat, feet, etc. But for the life of me I can't see what else a Greyhound adds !






Courage, desire to chase.biddability and athleticism.I think some of these attributes are lacking or diluted in other sight hounds.

exactly never thought someone like you CP would ask that working ones must be thinner on the ground than i thought


You are missing my point..... courage, bull or beddy will give you that! Desire to chase, any sight hound will give you that ! Biddability, your'e having a laugh ! Athletiicism, any well conditioned dog will give that ! If Greyhounds have EVERYTHING, why do we breed Lurchers ??


Let's not make this "CP hates Greyhounds" ! As I said, I like at least 50% Grey in my dogs, but I stand by what I say, Greyhound is only there for the speed !


As for drive, I've seen Greys run thru' barbed wire fences and hawthorn hedges after there pray, but I've also seen them with as much drive as a clockwork train !! I videod the last Waterloo Cup, and quite frankly some of the dogs were embarrasing ! Giving up the chase not only when the hare hit the rough, but even when the hare was "live" !!



think you got me wrong because you just answered for me some will run thru anything some can find there own game etc but some are just sprint machines some are even quite durable(touch wood)
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ive only seen 1 greyhound bitch used in the field over the last 20 odd years. a ex flapper when fit she took daytime hares in my area on big open fields and could manage a lot more than 2/3 turns of a hare and quite often she didnt need to. certainly couldnt compare with a saluki based dog stamina wise, but you could go out with her and get a hare for the pot and her owner was happy with that.

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Didnt see this grey run but he was my mates dads dog. who ran on local flapping tracks and was used as a one for the pot dog in the 70s. there was always rabbits and hares hanging up in the shed. he had him years. and no its not me in the pic wearing a bay city rollers outfit. :laugh:





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Guest born to run1083

Iv seen a few been tryed as lurchers back in ireland and dem killing themselves of poles and walls as they hit to much speed they cant turn quick enuf or stop

Aye but were they took off the track or brought forward from a pup there's been a number of post telling you greys are more then straight liners it's just down to you to soak up the info or ignore it and basically waste our time by posting

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Guest born to run1083

Mate no offence but if they were rejected from the track they've still had the racer up bringing kind of defeating the idea of having it from 8 weeks old as a pup. Just to mention about greyhounds turning my old man had one when I was young called tilly til for short she lost a leg from being attacked she could still straight line lurchers and turn on a six pence. used to run all over mine and my brothers dogs lol

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