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How come so many people buy in adult dogs?

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facebook is wall to wall buy sell and swap dogs...........lurchermad buy sell swap..........that page is full of em....people trying to sell yearlings for good money then when no one is buying them there just breeding off them a month or 2 later saying parents 100 percent

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I prefer bringing on a pup, but getting a sapling or adult dog can work out well if you get the RIGHT dog ! Problem is, around 99.9% of Lurchers that get passed on are ruined by inexperienced owners,

Gerrof with you, nowt like having a pup , had time of my life when i had a litter, kept 1 back for myself, trained her up nicely, other folks cast offs, no thank you rip katie

everybody can and will make mistakes with dogs, the thing is, a lot dont learn from them and blame their mistakes on the dog and the merry go round continues

Think what people forget is an adult dog can be just as much work to bring on as a pup - there are no short cuts.


Ive seen a few come through rescue and have gone on to working homes and do very well.


My own two have both come to me as rescues - one was 7 months Beddie x whippet/grey owners couldnt handle her

although slow starting at first, shes showing a lot of potental - shes just turned two and shes now starting to come on more,

although she came in as a rescue, i have found out who bred her and shes from working lines,

shes marking well - covering well and will retrive - shes will flush both rabbits and pheasants

from cover and will even bring me pheasants eggs when she finds them.



my other one is a bull x whippet found as a stray, shes around 6-8 years old - she had multiple pellets in her back leg and it was shattered,

consquencies the leg had to be removed - at some point someone has spent time on this dog,

she lives to hunt - on a walk if i sit down shes gone and all's you can see is her charging through the undergrowth/long grass

only problem i have is i need to get her to listen more, having 3 legs doesnt stop her and although she will never be the fastest

dog alive, she will do well doing a bit of ferreting or bushing, no matter what shes doing she gives everything 110%.

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Like it has been said some people do it out Of pity and when it works out I think it's brilliant a second chance for the dog I have always gone for 8 week old pups but I take my hat of to people who bring in an older dog out of pity.theres a lot of people will past there dogs on I do believe you should keep your dog for its whole life.

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A good adult dog will change hands for good money,some people are in the game for money. Some people buy an older dog in for the season run it then sell it on at the end of the season.the part time dog men. One thing is certain money is the main motivation for selling on a dog and the good ones will cost plenty

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Guest Moscow

Seems to be a spate of it on here recently: people buying in dogs of around a year old, a bit younger, or even older: my question is why? When so many seem to have problems with these unsocialised, untrained animals, why on earth don't they buy in a young pup and rear it correctly from the start, rather than taking on someone else's neglected rejects?


Recently? what planet have you been living on :laugh:


Its not always as black and white as your making out :no:


Its the dog peddlers that are the problem, telling tall tales and exaggerating to sell a dog for profit with any dog they can get there hands on :rtfm:

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I have a 6 month old pup ATM, I know I'm the most impatient person there is so bought in an adult dog. The idea is to stop me running the pup to early and also alloy me sport during the season.


What will you do with the adult dog once the pup gets going ?



Edited by chartpolski
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This is not ment to be a dig skycat but haven't you got an advert in the country mans for sale section for an adult dog that someone wants rid of..as I say its not a dig


it's the poor suckers who buy in a big pup, adolescent, young adult that hasn't had any time spent on it at all. They are either misinformed about the dog, or don't realise what they are taking on.


And most of the time these so called "poor suckers" dont have a clue about dogs and just buy on a whim!! the same ones that if given a pup would mess that up too and turn it into one of these big pup adolescent dogs we see for sale all the time, anyone with an ounce of dog sense and know what they are doing wouldn't get into this situation, but then again as has been said over and over again........the dog world is full of clowns that couldn't raise a pup or keep an adult dog!!

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i know lads that buy in dogs rather than buy a pup in (too much trouble) from what i've seen most have been stuck in a pen, they may have had the odd walk, been taught no manners, training or obediance and are'nt that well socialised

i was out last season with a lad that bought in a made dog, look at it hunt he said as it was 3 fields away and still going

some lads just want to be out doing it so wont take 12/18mths to get a dog going

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I have a 6 month old pup ATM, I know I'm the most impatient person there is so bought in an adult dog. The idea is to stop me running the pup to early and also alloy me sport during the season.


What will you do with the adult dog once the pup gets going ?


Cheers.I remeber years ago a dog called nellie,what a great lamping dog she was.Some guy used her to bring on a young dog,not the best way to bring on a pup imo

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the main reason is because they are uncapable of rearing a pup them selves, alot can not be bothered to look after them through the summer months. seen quite a few people buy in dogs doing there job for them to go backwards once in there hands. any of my dogs what do not make the grade get placed in pet homes unless i know the man which is going to work them after me and they only get them if i know the dog will suit them. this statement might seem a bit harsh but there is too many idiots giving the lurcher game a bad name for me to change my opinion!! atb in slips

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Reason 1 - they are lazy, the seller lies, claims the dog is ''the champion of the fens..70 out of 70 hares 35 Jackalope and a sloth bear last season,the dog is so obedient, loving...for sale through no fault of his own'' So idiots buy them to save themselves the trouble of training and raising a dog.


Reason 2 - Impatience. People want a dog to take lamping and coursing and they want it NOW, not in 18 month but NOW DAM IT


Reason 3 - anxiety about making mistakes, coping with a young pup, getting it wrong. Not all youngsters are lucky enough to have the elders to teach them the right ways, pass on wisdom and skills or point out the error of their ways.



Reason 4 - Some people are confident in their skills and abilities and actually see a dog they like and are willing to take on a challenge, some of us even enjoy it, and although I have never chosen to buy an adult dog, I have taken on a few grown dogs with issues, and it is rewarding to turn a gibbering piddleing wreck into a decent happy working dog, if things work out, or the dog turns you into a gibbering incontinent wreck and slowly breaks your will to exist.


Reason 5 - People aquire a dog free or very cheap and sell it for way too much money to the next idiot who wants a ready made 'champion' or feels like taking on a challenge?


I have taken on three adult dogs with major issues, two worked out pretty well, one was genuinly batshit crazy and psychotic and I had to have it put to sleep as it had truely killer intentions towards my other dogs and would go from sweet as anything to rabid rage filled monster in the blink of an eye


Then occasionally good dogs do just need rehoming due to circumstance, if no one took 'em the poor buggers would end up in rescues or in the hands of the 'unmentionable' animal 'charity' and the outlook would be truly bleak

Edited by GypsyJoe
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