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Tresspasing little scum and how to deal with em?

Guest little_lloyd

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  On 29/05/2007 at 22:52, little_lloyd said:

I was in my wood earlier with a mate shooting jays hen al of a sudded a ginger spainiel tipe dog was seen moocing around and at first i thought was a fox and would of shot it :angry: So i told the bleddy thing to piss of and just as i went out of the wood i saw a boy of around 15 with a younger toddler on his back under a horse chesnut. He obvisly walked of the footpath and was in some rough old kale as i approched him with my gun he put the dog on a walk and walked fast arcross a nother feild to the footpath where hebecame out of site. I have only just taken away most of my traps for this year and if i had them up he could of found a few with ease as hes of the footpath. I have a rough idea where he lives :yes: I have an ightyquid larson going on that rough hedgerow he walked in a few days so i dont want it being smashed or bird let away. :angry::angry:


Apart form putting sighns up i dont know what to do. I could of either shot him or his dog as i didnt know they where there.

The stupid c**t.


Ive heard dropboxes are a good sollution but what if a fox or sets it of as i only want it set of for humans.


Anyone got any sollutions as im at witts end with this prick :(


Yeah, I've got a solution mate - grow up. You're being really silly. Just be very careful that you don't start something you are unable to finish. Not sure that someone of your wit should actually have a FAC???? Scary stuff buddy!!!

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  On 26/04/2011 at 20:24, Elmer Fudd 2011 said:

give the lad ferreting land and he will keep every body esle off your land . lad is just starting out in his hunting live and you are trying to stop him lol the more you tell him to keep off the more he will came on your land


Makes sense this? I remember me and my mate getting caught in the 1970s poaching with ferrets twice on the same morning by the same keeper. We were only about 12 and I think he realised that we were mad keen so he gave us a bit of permission. Problem solved.

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  On 27/04/2011 at 06:23, MickyB said:
  On 27/04/2011 at 00:02, martin said:

This post was started 4 yrs ago......let it go!......lol

i know mate it would be fun to know how the lads getting on now maybe he took the advise or maybe his boss shot him! :laugh:;)



He's still on here mate he just rejoined as labtastic :thumbs::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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  On 27/04/2011 at 08:20, danw said:
  On 27/04/2011 at 06:23, MickyB said:
  On 27/04/2011 at 00:02, martin said:

This post was started 4 yrs ago......let it go!......lol

i know mate it would be fun to know how the lads getting on now maybe he took the advise or maybe his boss shot him! :laugh:;)



He's still on here mate he just rejoined as labtastic :thumbs::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



And still cant spell or grown up :whistling:

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  On 27/04/2011 at 08:20, danw said:
  On 27/04/2011 at 06:23, MickyB said:
  On 27/04/2011 at 00:02, martin said:

This post was started 4 yrs ago......let it go!......lol

i know mate it would be fun to know how the lads getting on now maybe he took the advise or maybe his boss shot him! :laugh:;)



He's still on here mate he just rejoined as labtastic :thumbs::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh:

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  On 30/05/2007 at 07:30, jacob said:

i cant remember where i heard it ,but it still sounds about right to me ,arguing about who owns land, is like two fleas arguing about who owns the dog there sitting on,just because you have a job to do ,other people still have the right to roam through countryside ,and if i knew where you were id feckin walk through there for a mooch :yes:



crocodile dundee

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  • 2 weeks later...

If thats how one wishes to deal with a 15 yr old and a toddler, you need to be taught a lesson in life mate.


A bit of understanding and self-control might get you further.


I know it is annoyin when it happens over and over again, but that is life,if you want to fight with fire, expect it in return, and i doubt it will be from the had ofthe 15 yr old or the toddler.

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