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fenn traps

Guest clairian09

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Guest clairian09

just got a couple of fenn traps to have a go at the rats, understand you dig a hole to leave the trap fush with the ground but which way do you set it on the run, so it traps from the sides or from the front?

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fenn traps aint toys to play with they can hurt you.. people who use them often know how to set them ,be it front to back,side to side or up side down,, there loads of pics on here and posts even to show you the right way, if unsure tho best stick to the bog standard off the shelf rat trap.. save your fingers and ave the rats from foul catches..

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Guest clairian09

I'm aware there not toys, thats why i'm asking for constuctive advice on the safe & correct use of the traps, there is plenty of info about how to set the tarps but very little on how to place them, we all have to start somewhere!

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Usually use Mk 4 fenns for rats mate, and they trap from the side, but must be set in a tunnel to prevent other animals getting caught. You don't have to dig a hole, but the nearer the trip plate is to the ground the better, but some kind of concealment is required . A few leaves, some finely sifted soil or light debris will do. And try to keep your scent off the trap. Good luck.

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