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My pup is 10months. I'll hold me hands up here and say I havnt put the work in retrieving as I thought it would come naturally. She retrieves in the house, garden and field to a point. When she gets a rabbit tho its away to eat it!!! If we're out she will retrieve a ball until she gets a scent. Just wanted any tips on teaching an older pup to retrieve? I got purdys progress the other day and its a bit depressin to be honest as I feel like I'v done it all wrong. Any advice on what people have done to correct the problem please. Also iv been thinking, once I can get out wi the ferrets a bit more she might see more than one rabbit at a time so this might help too. Cheers

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try putting a skin around some thing she can tug. get her into the game before adding the skin when she is into it play with her all of a sudden let go a run backwards making stupid noises hold in out

My little joke mike.thanks for the idea tho! I know a lad who once caught a golden retriever on a pike dead bait!said the dog came in like a dream, the owner didn't take it too well tho! Guna go and s

It's great if your dog retrieves, and a well trained dog is a pleasure to own; but don't beat yourself up if yours won't retrieve There are the odd dogs that simply won't do it, no matter what ! I ha

Iv tried in the garden and she's not interested if its cold. If its fresh she runs off with it??? Its frustrating, I'll keep trying tho. Not much I can do but be persistent. I think it mite be down to takin mingin stuff off her when she was younger?

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I know mate I've allways told mine leave dead game alone. Maybe put a rabbit skin on a rod n line and jerk it about abit to get her intrested then see if she will bring that back to you? Keep at it sure she will get there mate

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What about the dummies with a rabbit fur on it?


Have you gone back to basics and tried that?


Also she is only 10 month old, still a puppy and still might need extra time to be more level headed. Like you say, she retrieves everything else. You might need to be more intersting than the new toy (the rabbit she has just caught). i also agree with walking away...that can work well.


Where abouts are ya mate?

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If I run away she follows, but leaves the rabbit. I can get her to carry it home on the lead but off it I think she would just leave it. Definitely some food for thought here and I'll be out trying it out later. Iv also thought if I walk her, let her hunt up etc then do the training when we get back she might want to play/train rather than be back in the house?? I'm not expecting miracles and like said above she is still young. Thanks and keep it coming as I'm always willing to learn more and the more options I have the easier it should be to find what works for us. Cheers

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try putting a skin around some thing she can tug. get her into the game before adding the skin when she is into it play with her all of a sudden let go a run backwards making stupid noises hold in out your hands. if your lucky she may try to re initiate the game of tug and retrieve it to hand un knowingly kf she does make a fuss and play. do this over and over on seperate ocations stopping when she is enjoying herself and left wanting more

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It's great if your dog retrieves, and a well trained dog is a pleasure to own; but don't beat yourself up if yours won't retrieve :thumbs: There are the odd dogs that simply won't do it, no matter what ! I have a seven year old bitch here who is great all round, but will she retrieve ? Will she hell ! LOL ! My other bitch, the Deer X is a natural retriever, with little or no training ! You'll get years of pleasure from your dog wether it retrieves or not :thumbs:



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I do think its in her mate, I think atm catchin a rabbit is rare so she gets caught up in the moment.iv had her out there with 'her cow' and she played fetch for a bit. In the house I can just send her for 'ya cow' and she will go and find it. I just want her to be perfect and there is no such thing. Tbh its only because our friend jake said to me a coupla months ago 'you'll never get her to retrieve' lol. Gota prove him wrong! Cheers mate

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