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FAO Scothunter, Reddawn...

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aye think your both over them days the noo,,,,  

all jock men hunt gnash, they have to go into the wild cairngorns an catch a live haggis before they can become a man, an there was me thinkin a well travelled man such as yerself woulda known that

Happy birthday you orange c................                                   unts!!!!.....

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Went to stay with cousins in Newcastle Years ago. We were all sitting having a drink. There mates there aswell. First thing I was asked " so do you know jimmy Boyle " ?

Lol aye he stays next door to me haha

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Lol@ gnash there's 5 million of us mate.


2 hunting jocks born on the same day.....come on thats got to narrow it down a bit......




all jock men hunt gnash, they have to go into the wild cairngorns an catch a live haggis before they can become a man, an there was me thinkin a well travelled man such as yerself woulda known that :laugh:

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Lol@ gnash there's 5 million of us mate.


2 hunting jocks born on the same day.....come on thats got to narrow it down a bit......


Maybe his dad, was as good at planning for his son to be born on the 12th, as mine was lol

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Lol@ gnash there's 5 million of us mate.


2 hunting jocks born on the same day.....come on thats got to narrow it down a bit......


Maybe his dad, was as good at planning for his son to be born on the 12th, as mine was lol

I just heard of someone that is a mad celtic fan and his girl has just had a baby today............ :icon_eek: Be as well going the whole hog and calling him Billy............. :laugh:

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Lol@ gnash there's 5 million of us mate.


2 hunting jocks born on the same day.....come on thats got to narrow it down a bit......


Maybe his dad, was as good at planning for his son to be born on the 12th, as mine was lol

or mother,,, :hmm:

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truth is my ma's side a the family are pure fenions, an my da's side are oranger inside than a fookin jaffa cake, when i come oot on the 12th my ole man wanted to call me william lol but my ma put her foot doon an they stuck to the plan an named me after me ole man :laugh:

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Lol@ gnash there's 5 million of us mate.


True, but in my case my mum would have preferred it a day later or earlier lol

2 hunting jocks born on the same day.....come on thats got to narrow it down a bit......


Maybe his dad, was as good at planning for his son to be born on the 12th, as mine was lol

or mother,,, :hmm:

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all jock men hunt gnash, they have to go into the wild cairngorns an catch a live haggis before they can become a man, an there was me thinkin a well travelled man such as yerself woulda known that :laugh:


Why do you think i knock about round Rannoch Moor when im up there.......i love the place but do my best to give the people a swerve :D

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