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First clutch from the wiggy, resulted in 3 chicks, two died quite young, then the budgies scalped the last!! :censored:

Budgies removed, her next clutch, two died fairly young and one survived to maturity, then managed to escape the aviary never to be seen again. :cray:


The fife hen with the knackered leg laid 3 eggs, two chicks hatched. The little Irish fancy hen who has never laid an egg decided when the chicks were half grown that the chicks were hers and would sit on them constantly :laugh: Both chicks survived with 2 mothers and a father to maturity :D


The wiggy in the meantime then went on to hatch 4 more eggs (3rd clutch) those chicks have just fledge and even the teeny little runt is surviving ok.


The fife hen then decided to make a nest and lay eggs in one of the feeding dishes :icon_eek: ....probably because she cannot get back in her nest pan for the deranged Irish fancy who sits in there on imaginary eggs :laugh: She sat for a couple of weeks but the wiggy hen killed the eggs. It now looks like she is going to have another attempt at laying in the nest pan.


Nothing boring about keeping canaries that's for sure!

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More heartache than good this year FM :cray:

The little runty chick died a couple of days ago. And Wiggy the mother was dead last night, no idea why. The poor cock bird is going to have his work cut out feeding 3 fledglings.

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Your not the only one Moll,spoke to a pal yesterday and he's had nothing to sticks this year,all chicks have died on him with different types of birds.My year has leveled out a bit and although i lost a chick yesterday(a greenie) it was a very small chick and didn't expect it to make if i'm honest the other nests i have are doing ok,if your cock is feeding them ok up till now he should finish them off without to much problem i should think.I've found once the cocks start they do stick at the task,well my lot seem to anyway.Good luck.

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Sorry to hear that Moll, its not always straightforward breeding canaries in a mixed aviary. Budgies especially aren't good with other birds.


We've just had the aviary up a few weeks and all seems to be going well so far, 2 little zebra finches fledged (they breed like wildfire), and the first clutch of 4 canary chicks doing well so far, fingers crossed. We only have the one hen.


Over the weekend, 8 serama chicks have hatched, Mr T is now a proud dad! Photos will will follow.. :D

Edited by Keeps
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Sorry to hear that Moll, its not always straightforward breeding canaries in a mixed aviary. Budgies especially aren't good with other birds.


We've just had the aviary up a few weeks and all seems to be going well so far, 2 little zebra finches fledged (they breed like wildfire), and the first clutch of 4 canary chicks doing well so far, fingers crossed. We only have the one hen.


Over the weekend, 8 serama chicks have hatched, Mr T is now a proud dad! Photos will will follow.. :D


BLOODY HECK, 8 IS A BRILLIANT NUMBER :boogy: ...sorry caps! Did both hens sit at the same time?

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Thats just off the one hen Moll, the eggs were incubated, she lays eggs all over the place and doesnt appear to be broody. Some are light some are darker in colour, theres a few eggs yet to hatch, but it doesnt look likely they will.

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