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What are people thoughts on how long they take to switch on fully. The reputation of the deerhound is well known to be a slow developer do you think this is the main reason people don't like the cross. To wait a year or so longer then most other dogs to find out you might have something barely average. Also alot being late developers , not all but alot when compared to other types of the same age they seem to be lacking of something. I like the deerhound my best ever dog had deerhound in him but I think as a cross there one of the most hit or miss types


I think this is an area that is over-iced by some people who have not experienced the breed, but, it has to be said, that even within the breed there are those kennels that are noted for taking longer, and those that take not so long to develope to be able to work..

I was fortunate, the ones I had did mature mentaly, and as Chalkie said, just as importantly, physically..not as quickly as the lurchers I owned mind you,

I have always wondered when I have seen written people saying 2years old, two and a half and even 3 years old before they started to work their dogs..no good for me Im affraid.

I mainly kept bitch deerhounds, (my line was a bitch line, our the quality on our bitches was always better than that of our dogs) and this can speed things up a bit, as most bitches from any breed will develope earlier than the male siblings..so, I always introduced my bitches before they were a year old, again, lurcher pups before a year old were expected to have 100 rabbits +,no way for a pure bred deerhound..

And before any of the gun slingers miss quote me, and set their keyboard fingers a cracking and twitching, "a good working deerhound will be probably on par with a decent, average lurcher in all round ability"...

The best coursing male pure bred deerhound Ive seen won his first organised coursing event at 15 month, then his second a few weeks later..but this age, especially for a deerhound is an exception rather than the rule..

Dont be put off by a bit more time in developing for a pure bred deerhound, and as for F1`s, Ive had 2 and both of these were killing at 9 month..I hd deerhound/collie/greyhounds line bred to over 7 generations, these were just as fast as any other cross to enter..

Dont rush things, some of the best dogs Ive seen were the ones that took that little more time to come on, deerhound cross and non deerhound cross, but when they did, as my learnerd friend about said, "sit back and enjoy"

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they will probably be more working deerhounds and deerhound x's working than you think ,its just that they are'nt going to tell all ad sundry what they get up to ,alot of hunters keep themselves to t

I think this is an area that is over-iced by some people who have not experienced the breed, but, it has to be said, that even within the breed there are those kennels that are noted for taking longer

another 1st x like charti still like this pic

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One day I will have one of these beautys of dh x's but for now ive my hands full training a salukix


The best piece of information I will give you today, do NOT listen to any bull cross, collie cross or saluki cross owner with regards to the breeding, rearing, feeding, general welfare, entering, working or longativity around deerhounds or deerhound crosses...these lads may be experts in their own breeds, but not with deerhounds or their crosses..

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100_0602.jpgA brute of a dog we ran in the 70s a first cross by all acounts bought as a pup out of the exchange and mart and delieverd to the mans house who owned him.Going on this dogs temprement their was nothing lacking in his prey drive.
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One day I will have one of these beautys of dh x's but for now ive my hands full training a salukix


The best piece of information I will give you today, do NOT listen to any bull cross, collie cross or saluki cross owner with regards to the breeding, rearing, feeding, general welfare, entering, working or longativity around deerhounds or deerhound crosses...these lads may be experts in their own breeds, but not with deerhounds or their crosses..

I was looking for a dh x and ended up with a sal x... Few years down the line I will get one though

as im learning you have to train every type of x differently.... For now however I will just drool over these deerhound topics ye lucky b*****ds

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Guest born to run1083

One day I will have one of these beautys of dh x's but for now ive my hands full training a salukix


The best piece of information I will give you today, do NOT listen to any bull cross, collie cross or saluki cross owner with regards to the breeding, rearing, feeding, general welfare, entering, working or longativity around deerhounds or deerhound crosses...these lads may be experts in their own breeds, but not with deerhounds or their crosses..

How the feck does that work Romany I own a first x collie grey at the moment but some of my other dogs ive had has had deerhound in and I think there are many out there like me lol so your theory of us not knowing a cross is floored lol

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Guest born to run1083

Well if its floored its floored, its an opinion not a therory, and, everyone has one..

Aye we all do, does that mean because your a deerhound guy you have no clue of any other running dog cross?? Just wondering

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my dog of choice is the Saluki, but I have a full borzoi who is an excellent worker, and I have a deerhound/collie/grey that is a really useful bitch, I had the chance to get a full deerhound puppy a few weeks back, I'm still deliberating but after reading these posts I'd be willing to give it a shot I think.

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