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Young Ferrets 1st time

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Took my young ferret out for the first at a mates place not to far out of town, When i arrived i had a bit of a chat with my mate and he was pointing out roughly where abouts the warrens were. After 10 minutes or so of stuffing around he then decided he would come and bring his young fella out, Mind you this is the first time he had been out in 14 years and his young fella has never been before. So we set out down the paddock of his 100 acre block and he showed us the first warren, there was 8 holes on the side of the hill on the rocky country, so after stuffing around trying to set the nets the best we could, we finally put the ferret down after 5 minutes or so we heard no signs of anything in there.

After about 10-15 minutes of the ferret being in the warren we decided to move on, The same happened with the next two warrens, and mind you after we had tried these warrens my mate told me he has been doing alot of shooting and he has shot alot of rabbits in that area. But anyway all that aside we arrived at the fourth warren and this time it looked a bit more promising, So we set up the nets, this warren had 10 holes to it so i was a bit hesitant to put the ferret down, In the end i did. Within 5 minutes of the ferret being down i could hear alot of thumping, She was working the rabbits very hard, but The young fella was making alot of racket and therefore the rabbits were a bit hesitant to bolt. After 5 minutes the boy eventually settled and the ferret was still working the rabbits pretty hard, Then finally the first rabbit had surfaced and was securely in the net, Then shortly after the ferret followed, Then returned back down the hole and withing less than a minute the 2nd rabbit had surfaced. So another rabbit was in the net safe and secure, Well safe for now anyway. The ferret went on about her business and a third rabbit had surfaced, but slipped through the net because my mate had not set it correctly, Anyway sure enough she went down a 4th and final time to bolt the fourth rabbit. I was extremely happy with my ferret after being a bit concerned putting her down, due to losing a ferret two weeks before hand, But anyway it was a good day had by all and im looking forward to my next outing with her she is coming along very well and working great.

Sorry i have no pictures for this write up, but will have in future and i will keep you fellas intouch with whats going on down under.



ATB Adam s

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Yea mate was planning on getting one, do you know of a website I could look on for them mate, and yea I was actually going to some blokes house today to have a look at some jack russel pups. Because and old fella that introduced me to ferreting had a jack russel and she was great he always knew which warrens were worth ferreting And which werent.

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Dont know if they can be shipped over but i saw a dvd on Australia and this guy had loads in wire cages he breed them i think ?.Take it you struggle for nets ,locators etc over there ?.

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Nah I'm fine for nets mate the local gunship sells them and I would have about 60 and yea it is a struggle for ferret finders I'll have to purchase one online, and there is two ferret breeders in town. Also actually I wouldn't mind learning how to make my own purse nets.

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Nah I'm fine for nets mate the local gunship sells them and I would have about 60 and yea it is a struggle for ferret finders I'll have to purchase one online, and there is two ferret breeders in town. Also actually I wouldn't mind learning how to make my own purse nets.

Get yourself a quickset longnet : )

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