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A shoot with an old school mate

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Hi, just a quick run through of meeting an old school mate from 30 year's ago.


I met back up with Pete unexpectedly 2 weeks ago at my gun club. As he walked in i knew the face straight away and said to him "you dont remember me do you"? He replyed "Yes i do now youv taken your glasses off".

We got talking about old school day's and all the trouble we use to cause with other pupils and teacher's ect..Pete and myself had some pritty good time's back then, but as we moved into second year of secondery school i was moved into a bording school and never saw Pete again till 2 weeks ago,30 years.!!


Well after a few meets at the gun club Pete asked if he could come along shooting with me, so the past few evenings iv spent time with him target shooting and had him with me on one of my permission's.


The first evening i offerd Pete to take the first shot at a rabbit just 35 yards away, he got down in the kneeler then tured around and asked me to take the shot as he was shaking to much, i took the shot and killed the rabbit. I asked Pete what was wrong..He replyed "Iv never shot a live target"....Ok no problem I replyed we can work on that. That evening Pete spent the rest of the evening watching me and as i took another 2 rabbits, one at an estimated 60+ yard's. Last evening another 3...and one again at an estimated 60+ yards.


This evening we went out and Pete had all the intension's of killing his first live target. After an hour or so target shooting at a few different range's i offerd Pete the first shot, but it came at Another estimated 60y wich i took myself from a leaning possision from a fence post..Pete was impressed at the distances i was killing with my HW100 .177. We took up a bit more target shooting and i spotted a rabbit a couple of hundred yards away and pointed it out to Pete. We set off down the fence line but on the opposit side so we couldnt be seen by our intended target. We got under the fence low to the ground, our terget being an esimated 45y..This is your Pete i told him but it has to go mate i told him. I got down by petes side and lined up the shot. I asked Pete if he was ready..He replyed yes..So i told him to take the shot when he was ready...These rabbits have to go as the owner of the land had streesd to me only hours before, so i had the target lined up in the event that Pete missed or couldnt take the shot. Pete pulled back on the trigger of his .22 s510 and the rabbit hit the deck...Perfect head shot.




I mesioned a few shoots at 60+yard's...no need to be Alarmed or think it was irrisponsible...Iv been shooting this permission for 5 years and im confident and very comfortable at shooting this distance.


Pete looking forward to getting out more and now wanting to bag his first pigeon.





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Nice going gentlemen :clapper:


I remember my 1st shot at a living target, couldnt bring myself to kill it so took the shot just in front (hoping to see it off and for it to never come back. Didn't stay away and next shot it got it in the neck.

When your ready though, you do shake like a leaf :yes: and once it's done, you are so overwhelmed it's like concearn that you did it properly, ecstacy when you have, guilt ridden that you have just killed an animal, A real emotional rolercoaster of a ride, I am sure your mate will agree :yes:


Awsome guy's :thumbs:



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Nice going gentlemen :clapper:


I remember my 1st shot at a living target, couldnt bring myself to kill it so took the shot just in front (hoping to see it off and for it to never come back. Didn't stay away and next shot it got it in the neck.

When your ready though, you do shake like a leaf :yes: and once it's done, you are so overwhelmed it's like concearn that you did it properly, ecstacy when you have, guilt ridden that you have just killed an animal, A real emotional rolercoaster of a ride, I am sure your mate will agree :yes:


Awsome guy's :thumbs:



Hahaha....Your right there Tony :laugh: ...I picked it up and said" here its your's"...He said "F :censored: k That i cant take that home" :icon_eek: ....I said you dont have to but your carrying it across that field :laugh: ...He half hartedly took it from me but got into the swing of it after a few stride's :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Just more rabbit gulash for me :victory:





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Good read that Marty.


Glad your old friend enjoyed himself with you.


Good shooting too on the 60 + yarders.



Cheer's Si..60 yard's seem's so easy with this rifle and pellet's, its just a crisp kill every time..weather permiting. In MY OpInion when they sold me this rifle At Blackpool Air Rifle's...i think i robbed them..These rifle are worth more than £750..and knowing what there like if they wanted a £1000 for them id still throw the money at them and leg it :laugh:


Anyone knocking these rifle's or giving them bad reviews need's to visit this website....www.Lunatics.com Theres lots of like minded people waitng for you :fool:




Marty :D

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nice work mate, and fair play for taking a novice out with you. its funny how it becomes second nature to kill a rabbit or whatever over time, you almost feel like slapping your forehead when a novice has the shakes at their first go, but i'm pretty certain we all felt the same way when it was our first time..


great write up, cheers, wurz

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