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War on EDL

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They can f**k off...there not getting Jeremy Kyle, they've already got f*****g crimewatch!!..........

The brainwashing of the white population of the british isle started along time ago the pc brigade with there brand name RACIST , have whittled away at are culture from every angle , they have dein

Sorry mate, but love him or hate him it's just humour......f**k me, the humour police in this country are part of the reason everyone is getting all pissed off.    

I wonder how many pakis and blacks are ever on Jezza Kyle?.......there's a lot of shit to get through in this country and at least half of it is our own.


As for terrorists, well McGuiness gets to shake hands with the queen while Bin Laden gets a bullet..........I reckon we should all make our minds up.

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I wonder how many pakis and blacks are ever on Jezza Kyle?


I don't watch it as a rule, but it was on at my nans earlier and there was an Iraqi on it if that counts? :laugh:

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I wonder how many pakis and blacks are ever on Jezza Kyle?


I don't watch it as a rule, but it was on at my nans earlier and there was an Iraqi on it if that counts? :laugh:


Don't get me started on them c**ts ! Lol lol lol

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I wonder how many pakis and blacks are ever on Jezza Kyle?.......there's a lot of shit to get through in this country and at least half of it is our own.


As for terrorists, well McGuiness gets to shake hands with the queen while Bin Laden gets a bullet..........I reckon we should all make our minds up.

They can f**k off...there not getting Jeremy Kyle, they've already got f*****g crimewatch!!.......... :D

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''It was on at my nans'' yeah course it was malt :whistling::laugh:

It was mate! :laugh: I bollocked her for watching shite then settled down with a brew! :icon_redface::laugh:

I remember when my Grandad was alive and we would come in for some Breakfast and he would be watching it. We'd sit down and he would say the same thing everytime......"Does none of these c**ts work sir?"........... :yes::D

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''It was on at my nans'' yeah course it was malt :whistling::laugh:

It was mate! :laugh: I bollocked her for watching shite then settled down with a brew! :icon_redface::laugh:

I remember when my Grandad was alive and we would come in for some Breakfast and he would be watching it. We'd sit down and he would say the same thing everytime......"Does none of these c**ts work sir?"........... :yes::D

Shame your dad never put something on the of his you ginger fat tosser :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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I wonder how many pakis and blacks are ever on Jezza Kyle?.......there's a lot of shit to get through in this country and at least half of it is our own.


As for terrorists, well McGuiness gets to shake hands with the queen while Bin Laden gets a bullet..........I reckon we should all make our minds up.

They can f**k off...there not getting Jeremy Kyle, they've already got f*****g crimewatch!!.......... :D

and big brother you f*****g gay :laugh:
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if they want a fooking war on the streets , lets give em one :victory:


spot on, its coming mate, old E/P was right with his (rivers of blood speach) and when they kill few white lads, it will feckin kick off big time . :yes: :yes:

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