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treating ticks with vinegar

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a dab of anything is not needed to remove ticks with a otom tick puller no lighter fluid no petrol andno vaseline. just use the otom tick puller as directed and hey presto it comes out as the saying goes it does what it says on the packet.

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Iv smooved a tick in vaseline before and the next day it's been gone next had a problem the ferrets still healthy and living the last one I had I used spot on both worked the only reason I didn't use it the first time and it's expensive stuff if you dont have it

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A tick puller costs feck all, and is the quickest, easiest and most sure way of removing the tick, with out any problems.


For an infestation, use frontline, sprayed on some rubber gloves and then rubbed all over.


Other methods might work, but can potentially cause problems, and are a hassle.


Members always say - but it's worked for me etc, but it's not something you would suggest to new ferret keepers etc.


If you can do something with the right tool, then do it with that tool.

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Can`t be arsed with arguing either.

So you`d be happy to use the same methods on yer wean if they got a tick ?


I dont get why you keep bringing bairns into it, of course i wouldny treat a bairn the same as a ferret, i would have no hesitation superglueing a small cut or skin tear on my dogs but would take my bairn to docs if she was cut

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Can`t be arsed with arguing either.

So you`d be happy to use the same methods on yer wean if they got a tick ?


I dont get why you keep bringing bairns into it, of course i wouldny treat a bairn the same as a ferret, i would have no hesitation superglueing a small cut or skin tear on my dogs but would take my bairn to docs if she was cut


It`s about properly looking after them without risk.


I would never risk an infection in the ferrets if I don`t have to. so I treat them with the proper available means, same as if my kids had them.


I use the kids argument cause we have people on here who will use any old shite to get rid of a tick, ,,lit fag, petrol, pliers, yopu name it, they try it, so the best way to put it across is to teach people to treat them as they would if there kid had a tick. you wouldn`t use a lt fag on yer kid, so why is it OK to use it on a ferret.?

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a dab of anything is not needed to remove ticks with a otom tick puller no lighter fluid no petrol andno vaseline. just use the otom tick puller as directed and hey presto it comes out as the saying goes it does what it says on the packet.

Good reply you dont need anything to remove the tick if using a tick remover once i have removed a tick i normaly put a tiny dab of sudocrem or savalon on the area just as a precaution against infection
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Whatever bud, am no going to get into an internet argument with you.

The theory behind the petrol/cotton wool is tics breathe thru their erse, fumes off cotton wool make them loosen their grip, a wee twist and pull and its off, ive removed dozens of tics from my own and friends animals and have never left a head in yet :thumbs:


Ticks don't 'breathe thru their erse' first off, secondly they only need to breathe maximum several times an hour when feeding, even less if needs be, so the petrol fumes aren't useful at all. Don't make the mistake of assuming ticks need to breathe at the same rate of mammals. While removing a tick and leaving the head in shows a sloppy job and even lack of knowledge about the 'cement' bond around the ticks head, it's not usually a real issue, a localised infection is mostly easy to treat. The problem is the feeding tick may be carrying blood borne infections. If you apply vaseline/petrol/lit cig/varnish remover to a tick, it will know it's in danger/under stress and so will reguritate back into the hosts bloodstream in order to release itself and drop off asap. Ticks always naturally reguritate before dropping off a host anyway. As ticks don't carry a medical chart, there is no way of telling if they are disease ridden or not. Tbh, a good owner would appropriately use Frontline Spray and remove visible ticks with a specialised tick remover.

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