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respect to the fallen police officer

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Sad for the chap whos been killed and his family etc....................but lets face it,if he wasnt a copper it wouldnt even of made the news..................i accept and respect the fact they do a

The cops sometimes get it wrong, soldiers sometimes get it wrong, doctors and surgeons sometimes get it wrong......and people die. The difference is, none of them set out to intentionally kill an inn

Who cares, a bloke went out the door and never came home to his family.......

Spineless wanker, shoulda faced the rope.But no, took the feking cowards way out . they should throw his body in the sea.


Can`t imaging being killed just for doing your job, in fact the poor bloke was not even on duty.

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Heard the chap had been wound up by neighbours, he was a guy who helped out in the community, but the neighbours took it too far.

Younger people winding up the old because they think they are helpless.


However wait for the truth. I think what Newsboy is saying is that when a copper is killed then it's terrible thing, but when an innocent person is shot sitting in the underground or walking home from selling papers then there is a cover up and they walk free. No gun found at the shooting in Totenham etc....


Shame that some family have lost a husband/Dad, but you don't become a policeman and think it's going to easy going, same as being a fireman.

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If Tomlinson was your dad , Then maybe I could understand your venom towards the police, but your not, just another anti establishment, authority loony. Bet if your wife was assaulted, or kid snatched. You be the same c**t demanding they help you.

I'd have more respect for people like you , if you lived by the way you preach. Take yourselfs out of society completely.but you very seldom do, I mean where would you find your crack pot theories , of it weren't the Internet lol

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1 less copper, the bloke would have been in jail forever :yes: if it was the the copper doin the killing, nowts said, so unlucky ;)


How can you justify a comment like that?

ian tomlinson. :thumbs:

Whats a 'mistake' got to do with a man shooting a Policeman dead in cold blood?

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If Tomlinson was your dad , Then maybe I could understand your venom towards the police, but your not, just another anti establishment, authority loony. Bet if your wife was assaulted, or kid snatched. You be the same c**t demanding they help you.

I'd have more respect for people like you , if you lived by the way you preach. Take yourselfs out of society completely.but you very seldom do, I mean where would you find your crack pot theories , of it weren't the Internet lol

they are paid to help pal, by me and everyone else :thumbs:
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Heard the chap had been wound up by neighbours, he was a guy who helped out in the community, but the neighbours took it too far.

Younger people winding up the old because they think they are helpless.


However wait for the truth. I think what Newsboy is saying is that when a copper is killed then it's terrible thing, but when an innocent person is shot sitting in the underground or walking home from selling papers then there is a cover up and they walk free. No gun found at the shooting in Totenham etc....


Shame that some family have lost a husband/Dad, but you don't become a policeman and think it's going to easy going, same as being a fireman.

The cops sometimes get it wrong, soldiers sometimes get it wrong, doctors and surgeons sometimes get it wrong......and people die.

The difference is, none of them set out to intentionally kill an innocent person, civillian, patient etc


This chap that got killed today, didnt have to do anything....but he did. For the good of society and for the protection of all, not just those that he chooses to. He would have done the same for you NEWSBOY, thats a fact :thumbs:

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