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jacked off with seeing ( 100% ) lurchers for sale

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The amount of dogs iv seen for sale since end of season is no bodys buisness, iv seen the same dog for sale 7 times in two month all diffrent owners.

Then the famouse line ( dog for sale as im moving house) another ( dog is 100% on everything jusr have too many dog)

However asoon as one dog is sold they are wanting a new lurcher or terrier cheap or free to good home, the lurcher world makes me sick sometimes if thesw dogs wer giving hakf a chance they possible could be decent animals but having 7 or 8 diffrent homes before 12 month old is no life for a dog.

Nothing but dirty dog pedderling doley bums.


Rant over. Ps sorry for any spelling mistakes as im on me phone.

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The amount of dogs iv seen for sale since end of season is no bodys buisness, iv seen the same dog for sale 7 times in two month all diffrent owners. Then the famouse line ( dog for sale as im moving

Not having a dig at you mate, but i've been homeless split up with lass and i still kept my dogs, so its no excuse for me. guns and other bits and bobs can go as you can always go out and buy the sam

My "pretentious" remark was about you "never giving a trial" and only dealing with "reputable dog men".   You don't have to give someone a dog for a week, simply take them out and let them see it wo

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  On 10/07/2012 at 05:22, paulus said:

the joys of the working dogs and livestock section :laugh: the only bit about this forum that ive never agreed with :thumbs:



but on the other hand i bought this bitch off here as a 6 month old pup as so i very pleased the for sale section


i dont agree on peddlers but some lads that offer a trail are geniune NOTHING TO HIDE :thumbs:

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Im onabout seeing dogs for sale on a facebook page, and the lads who sell the dogs wont give a trail the want £60 or swap for nets or stuff............. pisses me [bANNED TEXT] off

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At last people who sell dogs on this forum are being examined by fellow members: true, there is sometimes a bit of bullying, but by and large, I'd sooner see a dog advertised on here rather than on those dogxploitation sites such as Preloved (now there's a contradiction in terms if ever there was one: using the word 'loved' in an advertising site is just sick and appeals to those who falsely love dogs: for their own satisfaction as opposed to truly loving canines for their own intrinsic value as animals which can't help how they're born and why) and Epupz.


Sorry: grumpy morning: rant over.

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Guest Leveller

I like " these pups are not for the faint hearted " that one always amuses me. There's only one way to acquire good stock and that's twixt mates or friends of friends who are breeding for the right reason, sure the odd gem can turn up on the pages of the small ads but for me personally I'd never look there and would discourage anybody else from doing it.

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  On 10/07/2012 at 08:51, jcm said:

Im onabout seeing dogs for sale on a facebook page, and the lads who sell the dogs wont give a trail the want £60 or swap for nets or stuff............. pisses me [bANNED TEXT] off

Those facebook sites are the worst for it, full of divs flogging all sorts and incriminating themselves with pictures of dead stuff.


Any of those groups need to be carefully managed by the admins just to stop the morons getting themselves into trouble, when they are not looked after or the person in charge of the group is equally dense they just become an antis wet dream


Edited to say: At least on here people advertising are being judged by the mods and others on the forum

Edited by lapin2008
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The advertising is fine, as you do get genuine reasons for selling the dog. But the bull shit that goes with it is fecking unreal.


"These pups will make fantastic workers" - how the f**k do they know, they 6 weeks old.

"In the right hands it'll make a fantastic working lurcher" - Thats just tells me your shit and should never be allowed to own a working dog again.

"Takes all legal quarry" - Great!, it can kill a rabbit and a rat....lol

"Brilliant, 100% day and night" - well why are you getting rid and not offering a trial.


In summary, yes some dogs need to be moved on, due to genuine circumstances. but dont feckin lie, and if you cant keep a dog without going down all avenues to make sure everything has been tried before getting rid, then dont ever, ever, ever have another dog. clearly you cant cope. or your having a lurcher for the wrong reasons.

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