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nipping 8 week old kits

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As said plenty of handling as much as you can, if in a couple of weeks its still nipping scruff it round the kneck and shake it when bites it will soon stop


Great idea, get them fearful of handling....


Offer them a finger side on, if they nip or bite then gently push towards the back of the mouth so they have to move back. It's what I've done with all of mine and they only mouth when playing now, no proper nipping.

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play ruff with them till they bite then pinch or flick there nose not to hard to let them no that theres no biteing then repeat and when they dont bite spit in the pam of ur hand and let them lick it as a treat for not biteing u keep doing that till theres no biteing at all. cause when they start ferreting when they come out of the hole they will be wound up if they have been in contact with rabbits and can then nip.thats why i do it that way cause they no that when there wound up biteing is still a no no

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I don't think it's a good idea to try and get to a ferret through scarying or hurting it when they get to the nipping stage as been sed put your finger in the kits mouth let him have a play,when they nip you try and not react to much I find shutting my eyes helps me not react fast and move lol and of course pleanty of handling good luck.

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Vinager or bitter apple on your hands/fingers etc


I have two youngsters hear - both were well handled, but the hob has started to play nip, he's treating me like i was another ferret to play with

a few times of handaling him with vinager on my hands and also hand feeding a little and the nipping has almost stopped,

he will still try it on a little, but if i dont react he stops.


P.S the vinager hasn't stopped him wanting to be handled - he will still come to me and will allow me to pick him up.

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Feed them handle them offer them a finger if they bite it push dont pull it after they gag a couple of time they wont touch it , do it daily as there only eight weeks old they wee bites aren't going to hurt yet

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Its well know to teach them by scruffing them read



It was also documented that ferrets should be muzzled, fed on sops, starved to make them work etc.


Scruffing and shaking can make them hand shy, and it's a lot easier to get wrong than right. Finger in the mouth technique isn't forceful, and they learn that the way to get away from discomfort is by not having hold of your finger. They learn much quicker.

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We handle ours every day from the day they are born and don't tend to get much nipping if we do get it we do as said the finger in the mouth a few time and this tends to stop it the more you handle the better they will get it's like puppies you have to train them that hands are are no no

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