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daughters first time on the lamp

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i had my 9 year old daughter over to stay last night and we desided to have a look out with the lamp seen as the weather was windy and raining and also i needed to get some rabbits for the ferrets. we went out at about 11:30pm and after a short drive arrived at our location we parked up and got our waterproofs on my daughter asked if she could wear my waterproof jacket as hers wasnt that good in the rain so i let her it was quite funny to look at she had this long camoflauge jacket on it was down to her ankles and you could just see her pink wellies sticking out at the bottom and she couldnt get her arms to the end of the sleeves :laugh: :laugh: it done the job though she was bone dry at the end of the night.


we got to the first field and as we got over the gate the dog was off after a rabbit in the dark i put the lamp on it but it managed to get to the dyke and away to safety the next one was in the middle of the field so we sent the dog it chased it down the field and turned it up the dyke as the rabbit turned to come back down the dyke the dog over shot it and the rabbit got away the dog was turning like a jumbo jet at the begining of the night this was due to not being out lamping with it for ages but it gradully got sharper as the night progressed.


we moved to the next field and coursed another one as we got through the gate which the dog missed again we moved further down the field and my daughter spotted the rabbit before i did with a shout of theres one dad :laugh: we slipped the dog and coursed this one up and down the dyke and finally the dog got its first one of the night anyway we carried on lamping and caught a few more in the next few fields and as it was getting late we desided to head back to the car we caught a few more on the way back which took our total to 7 it should have been 8 as the dog caught one next to the car but because it seen another one run it dropped the one it had caught and went for the other which resulted in both rabbits getting away :laugh: cant catch them all though can you.


my daughter loved her first time out on the lamp and cant wait till we can go again she even had a a go at lamping at one point and she was spotting rabbits well iv told her that we wont be going again till the season starts and this was just a one off as i needed food for the ferrets. here she is with her catch. atb hope you like the write up :thumbs:


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 05/08/2012 at 12:42, cross eyed paxo said:

first time i went lamping out with my ginger dad i said theres a sheep dad so he smaked me round the head and i fell on the floor and made a thump so he hit me agiain would you of done this to your daughter ?

no wouldnt dream of hitting my daughter

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  On 05/08/2012 at 12:42, cross eyed paxo said:

first time i went lamping out with my ginger dad i said theres a sheep dad so he smaked me round the head and i fell on the floor and made a thump so he hit me agiain would you of done this to your daughter ?

the shock of reading nice replies then that sentence made me cry with laughter, good read keep it up mate :thumbs:

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