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WW Greener 12g wildfowler

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Hi, I am after picking your brains, I have seen a very nice wildfowler 12g with 3" chambers, barrels 32", chokes...full-full, the add says High gun or Wildfowler, I am considering taking up wildfowling but would this gun be ok for pigeon etc.


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  On 07/07/2012 at 15:23, tileman said:

Hi, I am after picking your brains, I have seen a very nice wildfowler 12g with 3" chambers, barrels 32", chokes...full-full, the add says High gun or Wildfowler, I am considering taking up wildfowling but would this gun be ok for pigeon etc.



Has it got multi chokes as I thought that you should not put steel shot through a gun with full chokes unless you are in Scotland :hmm: What I mean is I think you can use lead in certain circumstances in Scotland, I am sure someone north of the border will correct me if I am wrong.

Edited by harrycatcat
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I had a greener gp single barrell with a martini action years ago when i was a youngster, a solid well made bit of kit, would last anyone a lifetime. If the fella holding it to his shoulder had been the same quality at shooting it as the gun was, it'd have been a hell of a combination, sadly he wasn't.lol


Great guns them mate.



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No not if you want to use steel shot! it's choked to tight and it is not proofed for steel shot .

it was made to fire lead shot and thats it ,unless you want to pay through the nose for Bistmuth ,Tungsten ,Hevie shot,and what ever else thats out there at £2 a pop.

some one will jump up and say steel is crap ,but there are some verey good loads that have been developed esspecially by the homeloaders ,[fact] the gun you are looking at is no longer any use on the fore shore in the U.K.

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The Greener was designed in a time when the thought of using anything but lead hadn't been even considered.


It would make a brilliant fowling gun if you're prepared to use Bismuth and Tungsten on the foreshore and then Lead for Pigeons.


Depends how many shots on the foreshore you can afford :thumbs:

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  On 07/07/2012 at 20:13, derbyduck said:

No not if you want to use steel shot! it's choked to tight and it is not proofed for steel shot .

it was made to fire lead shot and thats it ,unless you want to pay through the nose for Bistmuth ,Tungsten ,Hevie shot,and what ever else thats out there at £2 a pop.

some one will jump up and say steel is crap ,but there are some verey good loads that have been developed esspecially by the homeloaders ,[fact] the gun you are looking at is no longer any use on the fore shore in the U.K.


How can you determine it was not made for steel shot without seeing the proof marks? Was there a specific period when barrels where made to accept steel shot

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