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In a nut shell poor,a month behind if I'm honest,, tunnels are doing ok but the rest is not the best, the worst it's been in ten years,don't get me wrong plenty to eat but the quality is not there, too wet,the broad brand are good but peas are crap, the raised beds are well drained so they will catch up,we need this supposed summer ?


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everything is green and growing like made but not flowering, 1st crop of peas are fecked second lot in raised pots are fine, broad and kidney beans are ok, courgets and cucumbers doing well, chillies are fine outside as are the peppers, tomatoes are doing better outside than those in the greenhouse, strawberrys and raspberrys doing great. not to sure on the sweetcorn tbh.

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potatoes seem fine. had a good crop of asparagus so far.lettuce poor. brassicas seem to be on hold. getting plenty raspberrys. onions and shallots growing on fine so far. the carrot crop is non existant. tomatoes slow.

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spuds are doing ok (they seemed to take for ever to break through),broad beans are doing ok ,early peas doing ok ,onions and shallots doing ok (have had a couple go rotten),courgets plants are pretty big but havnt started flowering .toms in greenhouse are pretty crap ,chilli plants have just started flowering,cucumbers are doing ok.most of my bedding plants have only just started flowering ,my root crops ,beetroot carrots are the worst ive ever grown (or not grown as seem the case )ive had lots of stuff eaten by slugs .........jim

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