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Night out with the pups

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Just getting my two greyhoundxwhippet pups started , currently 10 month been out plenty of times but last night was different. Marra the dog & Mesha the bitch both looked game and ready for the night ahead. Both with white & black markings the offspring to ZigZag spirit so they come from a good racing greyhound line with Perrys pusher & Larkhill Jo's name cropping up in there line. Set off to the location the dogs caught , retrieved like they are trained and should do. After a few hours they had both caught 19 between them not missed a rabbit yet so i was pleased by all means. On the walk home you say 'last field' to look in but it never is, but we ended up with 27. Non missed so i was over the moon and the dogs where showing no signs of tiring. We did finally get to this 'last field' and two rabbits in the middle both squat. First one got up Marra ran it well but missed. Mesha ran the next one missed to. At the end of the day i only expected to see 10 max rabbits catch a couple to keep the ferrets happy but the night was perfect wind with a bit of rain and plenty of bunnies. To me i dont care who your dog is, there is always that rabbit that is a touch faster or brainier than your dog & the last two where just that. Best night so far with the pups. The pic is Marra just in day time. The pics i have from the night are 'too big' to attach so i couldn't put them on.

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you should get some advice off an experienced hunter mate, not only are you giving them 2 many runs for pups , but lamping young and pregnant rabbits is not sporting plus lamping in the summer will destroy your pups because it is 2 bright and they can see 2 much of the field when your training them

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